chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Michelles pov.

"Here you go sir " I said giving Jake his drink.
"Thanx" he replies with a smile.

Deciding that we had played enough board games we opted to watch some movies instead.
"Which movie?" Jake muttered in question as he walked over to the stacks aligned on the table.
"Hum how about .. well actually you choose I've chosen everything we have done thus far today so you choose " I say. I honestly have Benn practically dictating the whole of today. I wanted to go site seeing. To McDonalds and lastly all the board games we played. Now  its only fair thst he gets to choose.

As soon as I said this however his face took on a devious smirk. Resulting in me sorta regretting ever offering to let him pick  a movie...good Lord.
"Ok I choose ..." he began in a sly tone. "Wrong turn " he finishes off. Grabbing the horror flick into his hands and poping the cover open in order to insert the DVD. At which point my face fell completely. Ok so I'm not big on horror films. I mean bite me but ey ... I mean what was I expecting? For him to choose a cheesy chick flick ? Ofcorse not. Ofcorse he wants to watch some bloody horror movie. Why do they even have horror movies just laying around. I mean who does that ?  Yeah i shouldn't have given him the option of choosing a movie.  I just darn well dug my own grave. .... but I'll watch it for his sake. I sigh mentally exhaling.
"Ok cool" after all its the least I could do since he has done so much for me today.

"Ow... really ?.. ok cool " he replied with a huge grin. I'm doomed !
He then went and inserted the movie as I took a seat on the couch grabbing some candy on my way down (Ok a lot of candy) and ofcorse some popcorn.

After inserting the film Jake came and joined me on the couch with his own candy at hand. We ofcorse were sharing the popcorn.

Surprisingly the beggining of the movie was not too bad. Actually i wouldn't have minded the movie at all but then ofcorse in true keeping  the nature of the 'horror movie' connotation this 'not so bad' feel to it was killed as soon as the first person was killed. Note the irony. And ofcorse at that point I was screaming and holding my face under the blanket Jake had brought earlier when it began to get chilly.

And then ofcorse the whole cheesy horror movie wouldn't be complete without ofcorse the oh so cheesiest question of them all from the person who ofcorse isn't scared half to death
"Michelle are you scared ?" Came Jake's question. At that point I was in all honesty kinda annoyed like really. If I weren't busy trying to control my already ridiculously scared and thus lound heart beat I woulda snapped some sort of retort at him. I mean can't he darn well see I'm scared. I mean if the screaming wasn't a clear indication I'm sure my shaking body and me ferotiously grabbing the blanket would have been other clear signs of my fear. I SERIOUSLY don't get why people like horror films.

"Yes ofcorse did you not just see what JUST happened ?" I asked disbelievingly. How on earth is he not freeked by this disturbing movie???
"Yes I did " he says with a chuckle whilst shaking his head slightly in amusement ofcorse "Well if you are that scared you can hold my arm them. I'm right here with you! okay? "I don't know if he is being serious or not with what he is saying but I presume its just him trying to be kind. But it's his fault anyways for wanting to watch the stupid movie in the first place. I sure as hope he is not trying to make fun of me now. 
"Ok sure " I say trying yo sound nonchalant.
"Ok" he states with wry amusement.

We then ofcorse carried on watching the rest of the movie. I took Him up on the offer turns out and I was squeezing the crap out of his arm. Once the movie ended I was SO RELIEVED !  At least some people survived so it wasn't completely bad.

Looking besides me at Jake once the credits began to show I found him stating at me.
"That wasn't so bad now was it ?" He ofcorse as expected teased.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME THAT WAS SCARRY! For one I'm glad its over. Hallelujah! " I expressed or rather shouted.
"Haha... I can't believe you found that scary that was nothing you should watch the movie 'Drag Me To hell' or 'Annabelle' now those are some real scary movies. Not this one, wrong turn is a joke !"
"Gosh I'm just really not a scary movie typa per so ey. I get scared easy. I'm more of a comedy person. Or action. I enjoy watching action movies like 'The Expandibles' those are fun to watch. Not horrors. Those ain't for me. That much I'll admitt "
"Really. So this movie legit scared you ? It's honestly like a low scare factor horror film. So you were that scared huh ?"
"Well in all honesty. Yes... but with you being Here it wasn't so bad " I admitt my cheeks heating up slightly at this confession.
"Yeah that I was " he says smirking down at me.
At this my cheeks heat up even more from embarresment and something else ... as I look down at his arm that I had been squeezing throughout the entire movie I felt even more guilt. I'm sure his arm must be red now from all my gripping grabbing and squeezing.

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