chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Michelle's P.o.v head hurts its throbbing so much. The slightest movement sends sharp pain racing though my body and specially my head.  I then decide not to move as I now realise that the slightest movement causes me a lot of pain. Agonising even.

The feeling beyong pain itself. It's level can only be described as agonising. I then begin to wonder what the cause is.

Then suddenly confussion fills me as I begin to wonder where exactly I am and why my head hurts. Thinking  hurts. Everything hurts. Existence right now seems to hurt.

Most importantly ...What happened last night ...?

Wait oh yeah i was drinking, wait I was drinking ? You can't be serious!no ways what? Why would I do that ? ...  I feel like I'm having a weird post drinking conversation in my head as I'm filled with doubt and confussion. I can't seem to remember much about last night

Quite frankly all I can remember is myself getting to the party and having fun... and the bathroom moment then my friends went home. Then I think I spoke to someone at the bar and from there I can't remember much. My memory seems hazy and unclear. I struggle to remembering beyond that....

Just then the door creaked open and I heard someone clear their throat. Then the person peeked beyong the door before entering and we made eye contact and he smiled. Jake ...

"May I come in? " came his raspy low voice piercing what was left of my sleepy haize.
"Sure. Hey what time is it ?"I ask trying to keep myself from saying or asking anything dumb and trying to get an excuse to leave the room that we just so happened to be confined within. With me in bed with my dress from last night still on. How did I get here. Did Nick put me to bed last night ?...that would explain the fact of me sleeping in my dress ....what happened ?

"Hum... it's about two in  the afternoon " he says smiling nervously
"Woe what ?" I ask my eyes bulging outta my face slightly. It's afternoon already. So late ?
"Did I seriously slept for that long?no ways !"
"Yeah i told the other girls not to wake you. You seemed really tired so I thought it best for you to sleep in " he says scratching the bAck of his neck slighly. He looks so cute as his cheeks become a bit pink. It's sweet and all for him to be cociderate but I can't help but be a bit bothered. I'm currently confussed.

"Ow thank you "i say but it comes out sounding. Bit off ish. "You are so sweet. But I dont remember coming home or coming to bed for the matter. So I'm a bit confussed and shocked as you could guess " I say

"Oh yeah " he variously begins scratching his neck again (I'm guessing its a nervous thing with him ) "Well i fetched you from the party and and brought you up to bed " he clears.

First off I'm confussed ok so he fetched me and brought me to bed. What ? So did I call him or did Nick call him to get me  but then I don't have his numbers neither does Nick.... wait but he brought me to bed. Jake brought me up. What happened last night ? Did me and him... but then I have my dress on  but still anything could have happened. I then felt my cheeks begin to heat up. But I still wondered why Nick did not bring back home myself. Maybe he got busy or something came  up...

"Thanx ... but my head is killing me" I say changing tracks in my racing Mind. There's just too  much going on in my head.
"Ow yeah I brought you some freshly squeezed orange juice and some aspirin for your head " he says stretching it out to me. Only then do I notice the glass in his hands and the aspirin.

"How thoughtful of you. Thank you " i say in appreciation. First he brings me home. Gets me to bed now he brings me aspirin in the morning. He is so thoughtful and soooo easy on the eyes. A girl could seriously get use to this. Seriously.

I then took the juice and aspirin gobbling the juice down greatgully.

"Wow someone was really thirsty " he says in a raspy voice his face contorting into a slight smirk. I then feel my cheeks heat up for two reasong. Him and his words. Not a good combination for me.

"Haha very funny juice man. So where are the stages at ?" I ask feeling my orquid self begin to take over the conversation. Oh no and so it begins ... I better stop myself before it gets worse.

Surprisingly though he cracks a full on smile and chuckles slightly when he hears this
"very funny. Juice man ? I'm guessing by stuges you mean Catherine and your friends ? Well they went site seeing. They said to tell you that they are sorry they went without you and that it won't be the same without you. "

My smile from hearing him actually laugh at my words slightly falters when I hear that they went without me. I also really wanted to go site seeing. Dang flabit.

"Yeah they are my stuges... they went sight seeing without me ? That sucks big time. " I'm not sure what else to say or do as I puff out my cheeks and fold my arms on my chest in a childish manner. I can't imagine how I must look to him. Stuck in yesterday's clothes. Probably with my make-up all smudged. My hair ... oh Lord my shot. I must look like a bloated jungle crazy lady. Oh well ...

"Wait why are you still here ? Why didn't you go with them ?" I ask in wonder as I raise my eyebrows at him.  Didn't  he want to go ?
"Well I have seen most of California before. Besides I wanted to stay in. " he says leaning on the wall closest to my bed. I can't help but notice though the slight pink tinge his cheeks have picked up. Besides he does not strike me as an indoors type of guy with his tan and fit body I'd assume he is an ever active guy. I'd expect him to be out surfing or something.

"Ow ok cool. I really wanted to go though. Well so you just gonna chill here all day? " I ask
"That was pretty much the plan" he says. To this I just nod my head in understanding ", but we could go site seeing if you really wanna go that bad. I'll give you a special cali all round tour. Curtacy of yours truely "he says bowing slightly animatedly.

At which point I giggled slightly.
"That would actuAlly be great " i muse as he smiles back at me.
"Nice giggle. And it will be great. So I'll leave u to get ready " he says already turning towards the door
"Thanx be down in an hour. Thanx for the aspirin too. My headache feels much better now. "
"Wow an hour ?" He asks turning to look at me in shock. "Girls!" he says rolling his eyes and then stepping out closing my door. I can't help but laugh at his comment.

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