chapter 3

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Events (phase 2)

Later in the evening once Michelle had gone down stairs for dinner she had to tell her parents about the planned California trip. Ofcorse being scare led to michelle unfortunately chickening out of it bacause of her fear of them rejecting the idea.

The following day at school she is distracted with all that burns at the back of her mind being the trip to California. And secondly the whole issue with easy that happened the day before.

Later as Michelle walks down the hall on her way to the cafeteria to meet up with her friends she zones out not watching where she is headed. She ends up bumping into someone and falls to the floor.

Incident :

When Michelle came crashing to the ground she looked up to see who or rather what she had bumped into since it was so hard. When she came face to face with the person she could feel her heart beat begin to slow down as recognition sparked in her brain as she identified the person as Jake.

With her cheeks beggining to pick up heat out of embassesment and the fact that he quite EASY on the eyes. She sought a way to beak the orquid vibes that were beggining to settle in between the two of them.

Ignorantly Michelle though that laughing out loud would be the perfect way to do this. Whilst trying to get up. Ofcorse this ended up being a failt attempt as she came crashing onto the ground once more.

At which point Jake reAched out his hand to help her up. By the time she was on her feet she was close to him that when she tilted her head up slightly she was looking directly into his eyes. They were a goergeous dark shade of blue with green flakes in them.

Jake was the one to break the silence by stretching or his hand towards Michelle.

"Hi I'm Jake sorry I bumped into you I was kinda in A rush to get somewhere " he said meeting Michelle's hand.
"Your eyes are goesreous " Michelle whispered in one quick breath
"What?" ...
"Ow I said It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Michelle. And no sorry it's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. " she blabbed.

"Oh ok Michelle. Well it was great , uhm... bumping into you , I guess we are both responsible for this uhm... " Jake was saying but got cut off
"Ow jakey, sweetie are you not coming ?" Some girl shouted out to where Michelle and him were standing.

"Ow I'm guessing that That is your uhm... girlfriend. " Michelle said
"Uh yes that is "
"Samantha. Yeah i know her ..well not really ,uhm " Michelle stuttered unsure of what to say. Cause she really did not know her. She didn't know a lot of people. But she had heard of Samantha. The head cheerleader. Everyone knew who Samantha was. Everyone.
"Thats ok ... who does not? But yeah I was on my way over to her that's why I was in such a rush " he says. Michelle thinking ofcorse he was. What other reason should he be in a rush. Ofcorse not to bump into her so they could be friends ... or possibly even something more. Impossible. Unlikely. Ridiculous. She thought.

"Let me not stop you. I also have to be somewhere it was nice being into you. Bye " Michelle says followed by a quick smile before clumsily walking awey from where they had stood. Not bothering to look back.

After the weird moment with Jake she finds her friends. Once seated the conversation is about California. It turns out that Nikkitah's aunt will be renovation the beach house for the summer so they can't use the house. Every one is disappointed and starts shouting and arguing about how they had already asked their parents and how there should be another way for them to still go Michelle however feels a tad bit relieved cause she ofcorse had not told her parents. However she was also dissapointed cause a part of her still wanted to go.

Just then Catherine (one of the other few people Michelle knows but it not really close to ) pops out of nowhere having heard them arguing over the trip. He asks what the problem is and once they inform her she comes up with a unexpected solution.

Apparently she too was going to spend her summer in California. Her parents owned a beach house up there. And she was going to be spending the summer with her aunt there. And offered the house for them to spend the summer with her cause the house is big enough and they could do with the extra company.

Everyone is exited once more that their summer of fun in California is back on. Michelle on the pther hand finds heeelf forced to confess her lack of bravery from the previous evening and her faliure to ask her parents for permission.

Her friends being dissapointed in her beg for her to do it that night and not to back out. Michelle promises that she won't at which point lunch comes to an end.

As promised later on michelle through a jitter of nerves conjures up enough bravery to ask her perents for permission to go to California. The excruciating request does not end verry well when she does not get a straight response and is met with the expected "we need time to talk this over. This is a huge thing for u to ask " instead of disappointment Michelle is relieved at the fact that they did not say no. 'Thinking about it ' is one step higher than no and one step below yes so she was on neutral ground.

After a week pases and Michelle gets no response from her parents she starts to loose all hope in going to California. So do her friends.
This is the point where you as the reader go 'aaaaaaaaw, but why ?'

Her friends will be going to California next week Wednesday in the evening. The same week that the school's will be closing for the summer.

This week on the Friday it's Michelle's birth day. Her 17th birthday. And Michelle's friends and her family are at her house to celebrate her birthday.

At the party Michelle is having fun. Later on in the evening when it's time to open the gifts Michelle hears an announcement from the DJ's table saying that she should head there because her parents want to give her her birthday gift.

Once there her parents hand her a golden envelope telling her to open it. On it it written happy birth day. Michelle suspects that it xontaing money. She she opens it indeed there is money. But also a note. When she takes it out and rooms at it the words written on it cause her to tear up slightly and smile.

Letter : "yes honey you may go to California. We love you and hope that you have fun "

Michelle is ecstatic and over the moon. It turns out that her parents had told her friends This and everything was already arranged for her to go with them.

When Michelle borders the plan she is filled with a lot of emotions mostly being excitement and anticipation of what awaits her in California.....

-cliche- complicated LOVE (book one)  (COMPLETE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя