Level 2

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This chapter is Dedicated to EmaVillarreal THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING BRO


I wake up in chains on a comfortable bed. Where am I? I look around and notice I am not wearing the black leggings and white Tee shirt I had on last night. How nice. Instead I'm in a sailor like dress. Realizing that someone saw me naked without my permission angered me. I tried to slip my hands out of the chains, but before I could get out of the chains.

A stranger comes in with a smirk on his face. "Trying to escape?" He asked.

I nod my head a bit intimidated by the stranger. "What happened to my clothes and why am I here?" I ask a bit angered, I was very insecure about my body.

"I did, but don't worry I closed my eyes" he said, why you always lyin.

Really? He then comes closer to me with a key in his hand. Unlocking the chains, he reaches for me to grab his hand but instead I kick him hard in the balls and bolt to the door. I hear a deep voice laugh.

I look around to see him nowhere in sight. Looking for a exit, but I couldn't seem to find one. I walk into a room looking for a hiding place seeing that I wouldn't find the way out. I hear multiple shouts and yells wondering who they came from.

I hide deep inside a closet, I'm going to die, it was nice while it lasted. Thanks mom for always cooking the best spaghetti Thanks Dad fo-. "WHERE ARE YOU HARU!" I hear a deep voice yell. I shake in fear.

Then I hear loud gunshots "That's what you fucker get for trying to take what's mine" I hear a smooth yet baritone voice say. The closet door was open and there stood a man who was very handsome. "It's okay now, I'm Kale" he said with a smile, before stretching out his hand. What the fuck am I being kidnapped again?

"Are you taking me home?" I ask,hopefully he came to bring me home.

"No sweetheart, we are going to our house." He said smiling like a maniac. Our house?

"WHY AM I HERE?! WHY DID HE KIDNAP ME AND WHY ARE YOU KIDNAPPING ME?!" I wanted to go home as soon, suddenly I was thrown over his shoulder.

"We will talk about that later sweetheart, just relax." He said a bit too calmly. Then I saw a bloody body of the stranger from before. I bite, kick and even punch Kale in the shoulder and back. But he doesn't move at all.

Can he not feel me hitting him?

"Don't waste your time trying to harm me, I have congenital insensitivity to pain." He says



Kidnapped by a strangerWhere stories live. Discover now