Chp 19: The day of the dance

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"No I didn't. I don't want anymore drama than we already have." He says.

"Oh thank cheese." I say.

"Why? Do you want me to tell him?"

"No! He really hates the Nomicon. What would happen if he found out about me?" I ask.

"He'd hate you. Your lying to him like your lying to me." Randy asks.

"A lot of other people are lying to you Randy. Ask your Nomicon I'm pretty sure it knows something." I point to his bag.

It glows and buzzes.

Randy does to grab it but I stop him.

"Don't answer that, that was just it being sassy." I laugh.

He doesn't say anything and walks back to everyone else.

"What was that all about?" Theresa glares at me.

"Calm down Theresa I was just asking about homework. And why would I want to steal Randy from you?" I ask.

"Yeah I know...sorry."

"It's okay." I shrug.

"I can't wait to show off my bruce moves." Randy says.

"Randy, my moves are way brucer than yours."

"Yeah right."

I start break dancing then I point at Randy's face.

"Woah." He says.

"Exactly my point." I say.

The bell rings so we go to the rest of our periods.

I'm in 6th right now, which is my last period.

I wonder what crazy coach green wants us to play this time.

"Alright we are going to play...sock wrestling!" He yells.

"Sock wrestling?" Terrance asks.

"Yeah, where we wrestle each others socks off." Coach green says. "Now get out the mats!"

Everyone gets out the mats and we all sit in a circle around it.

"Now everyone take your shoes off but leave your socks on." Coach green says.

"Can I wrestle Bash?" I laugh.

"No because of the incident that happened today I can't allow you to do that." Coach green says.

"So I beat him up one time? Big deal. Let me wrestle the kid. It's not I'm gonna kill him."

"You beat up Bash!" Howard yells.


"Anyways, how about we get this started! Howard! Julian! Your up!" Coach green yells.

Howard groans and stands up on the mat while Julian practicing hops onto the mat like a bat.

"Alright go!"

Howard lunges for Julian but Julian easily doges him.

Julian crawls towards Howard then when he gets close enough trips Howard and takes off one of his socks.

"That wasn't fair." Howard whines.

Julian giggles and then Howard takes off one of his socks.

Then Howard tackles Julian and takes off his other sock.

They both go back to their places on the outside of the mat.

"Randy and Richelle!" Coach green yells.

I seriously wonder how this'll end.

"Let's do this." I stand on the mat.

"You better give up now." Randy says.

I'm Randy Cunningham I never give up! Awe, takes me back.

"Go!" Coach green yells.

He lunges at me and tackles me to the ground but I grab his waist and push him off me.

I lunge for his feet and end up getting one sock off, but it takes a lot of effort because he holds the rest of the sock on.

He grabs my right leg and trips me then takes off my sock.

I grab his leg and stand up, then he punches my leg and I fall onto the mat head first.

And now I feel faint but you know I can't let Randy win.

My visions really blurry but I continue to fight anyways.

I could really use some art of healing right now.

He grabs one of my socks off and while he's throwing it aside I stand up and take his other sock off.

"I w-win." I say.

"That was only because I wasn't trying."

"Right." I roll my eyes.

I sit back down and then I start to have a really bad headache.

"Terrance I think I'm going to-" I start but before I can finish my sentence I pass out.

I wake up on the ground where I sitting I'm guessing about a minute later.

"Are you okay?" Coach green asks. "You passed out."

"No I was just taking a nap in the middle of gym class." I say.

"Was that sarcasm I just heard?" He laughs.

"No not at all!"

"But your sure your okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm sure." I say.

I didn't have to wrestle the rest of the gym class cause of 'my injury'.

So all I could do was watch everyone.

Theresa went against Debbie, and believe me when I say it was not pretty. Hair was pulled, faces were scratched. It was pretty fun to watch.

Since gym class is over the dance starts in a couple hours.

Man am I exited.

But nervous at the same time.


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