Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

Niall POV

Mad wasn't the word that could explain what i was feeling. Harry was gone. Gone. She killed him, took him from me after everything that happened. Lilly wasn't the same, kind girl she was before. She was gone, she was evil. And she was gonna pay for killing my best friend. I punched her in the jaw, sending her upwards and taking the roof off of the house. I screamed, wanting to avenge my best friend, my brother. As i was charging at her, something stopped the both of us, making our attentions turn to someone else. To Andy. 

She was screaming; her hands in her hair, pulling out the ends. Her face was flushed as the rock under her started to crumble, hands and figures peaking out through the cracks. Rain started to fall and Lilly took that time to crack me in my skull. I staggered, regaining my strength and took a swing at her, kicking her in her stomach making her double over. 

"," i yelled at her with each punch and kick. "!"

She licked the blood from her lip, giving me this chilling smile and chuckle. 

"Isn't that what you do? You almost killed Rob, you made Andy run away from you. And you even got your little boy band puppy killed. All you do is bring pain and destruction, just like me. It's who we are, Niall. We're meant to hurt humans. Meant to kill."

She charged at me, punching me in the jaw, making it crack and break. I repositioned it and began to take another swing at her when something else caught my attention. Lilly was being held back by something. Something i couldn't see. I looked to my right and Andy was there, her eyes white, her pupils gone. Her hair was being blown as all she was looking at was Lilly. Lilly seemed stunned and began to wiggle around to break free with no avail. Then i knew what was happening. Andy summoned ghosts. Not any ghosts. She summoned demons. 


She ignored me, her eyes still hooked on Lilly and what was happening with her. 

"Kill her."

Her voice wasn't the same. It was lower, had a voice over her own to make it seem more demonic. Truthfully, it scared me. This wasn't my daughter; she looked like her but she didn't act like her. 

"Baby, you don't want to kill your mother. I can teach you everything that you need to know. I can teach you how to be powerful."

"I don't need to be powerful. I just need to beat you and make sure you pay for what you done."

She charged at Lilly and i heard something snap. Her body was folded in a way that couldn't be humanly possible. Andy then proceeded to grab her hair and drag her away. I wanted to follow but i couldn't leave my best friend. I took his cold, bloody body in my arms, running my hands through his soft curly hair. The one friend that was full of life, the one that was the youngest out of the group was now gone, and it was all my fault. 

I began to cry on his lifeless body, never again hearing his long drawn out low sentences and all of his corny jokes. Never singing with him on stage to make me feel confortable, to make everything fun. Harry was the person that took my stage fright away. He was the one that always interacted with the crowd and made all of my fears on stage go away. He was always there when the paps would pick on me for anything i would do or make up some completely bullshit story. And now i didn't have that person anymore all because of Lilly. All because he wanted to look like a hero. 

"Damn it, Harry!"

I pounded on his chest as if that would make him wake up, as if i was pissed at him for being a dumbass.

"Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!"

"Daddy stop!"

Andy came by my side and took Harry out of my arms. 

"I...I can heal him. I can make him all better."

"Andy, you can't. He's dead."

"Please, let me heal him."

I couldn't say anything. I was too in tears as she was. We were both hoping for something, anything to bring Harry back. I didn't even care what Andy did to Lilly. As long as that bitch wasn't coming back, i didn't even care if Andy killed her with her bare hands. I just wanted my best friend back and my daugther to be happy. 

Andy kissed the top of Harry's head before she began to bite him all over. The sound of her teeth digging into his skin made me cringe. There was blood on her mouth but she wiped it off with her sleeve. 

"How's aunt Jill?"

"She took off a while ago. She always runs away when Lilly is here."

She nodded her head as she began to take yet another bite out of Harry.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making him into one of us."

"Andy, you can't."

"Yes i can."

"No you you can't! You don't have any venom in you. You're just biting him."

Her eyes filled up with more tears.

"I...I can do this. I..."

I pushed her out of the way and began to make more bite marks on my once best friend. I could feel the venom coming out of my mouth as it went into Harry's blood. 

"Come on."

I pounded onto his chest, trying to see if i could get a pulse or make him breathe some how but it wasn't happening. He wasn't waking up.

"I... I'm sorry Andy," i said in defeat. "I'm so so sorry."


She ran out of the once beautiful house and sunk underneath the cracked rocks, having them crack no more. Harry was gone, Lilly was gone and now Andy was gone. I was alone now. 


Sorry for the long wait. Epliogue is next. 

My Immortal (A Niall Horan/One Direction Story) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now