Chapter 1: Whispers

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Edd Pov
"Happy Anniversary Babe!"

Kevin? I sat up in my bed and looked around the room. I couldn't have been dreaming. It was barely above a whisper but I knew I had heard his voice. I looked over at my alarm clock and checked the time.

3:48 in the morning. Kevin wouldn't wake me up this early just to celebrate our anniversary would he?

I checked my surroundings again; my eyes finally adjusting to the moonlit room. There was no sign of entry. My door was closed and my windows still shut but I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't alone in my room.

What if it wasn't Kevin but a burglar instead? I had, after all, marked it on all of the calendars in the house. Maybe they had seen it and wanted to use their newfound knowledge against me. What if they were trying to lure me out of my room? My heart began to pound as all of the scenarios began coursing through my head.

"Calm down Eddward. It's all in your head. No one is in here. Just go back to sleep."

I reached into my nightstand and pulled out the homemade heart monitor I had made last year. I tried to calm down and steady my breathing. I listened as the beeps began to slow to a steady rhythm.

I sighed as I my heartbeat returned to normal. I put the monitor back into its proper place and closed the drawer. Maybe I had imagined it. I glanced at my phone to check for any notifications from Kevin. Nothing. I laid back down and closed my eyes.

Kevin Pov
"He is such a dork" I thought to myself, trying not to laugh. I listened as he opened a drawer and fiddled with one of his many gadgets.

*beep beep beep*

Oh. The heart monitor. Did I really scare him that badly? Maybe I should've just woken him up like a normal person. I mean, I did. I just decided it'd be funnier to hide under the bed before he saw me.

"Smooth move Kev. Now what? I damn near gave him a heart attack just by whispering in his ear. I can't just crawl out from under the bed now. He'll definitely shit himself if I pop up out of nowhere. Maybe I should sneak out of here once he goes back to sleep."

I listened as he placed the monitor back into the nightstand. The bed creaked softly as he returned back to sleep. A few minutes later, I saw his hand fall off the edge of the bed and heard his soft snoring begin. I slowly crawled from under the bed careful not to make a lot of noise.

I reached back under the bed and grabbed the small package I had carefully wrapped. I wanted so badly to see his face light up as he opened it. I settled with having to wait until sun up to see that gap toothed smile.

I looked down at my sleeping boyfriend. I never understood why he insisted on wearing his hat even when he was alone. "Such a dork." I thought as I noticed the ends of his hair peeking out from underneath the hat. I gently pushed his bangs aside and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. He stirred a bit and let out a soft sigh. God was he perfect! Even in his sleep he still managed to win over my heart.

I stood back up and took one last look at him. His lips were parted and the moonlight illuminated his gap. "Edd, I love you so much" I said. I froze for a moment remembering how badly he was frightened from the noise before. I shut my eyes and braced myself for the inevitable scream but it didn't come. I slowly opened one eye and saw a smile softly creep across his face. I could've died happy then and there.

I reached down and grabbed his hand; gently placing it back on the bed. I felt him unconsciously squeeze my hand as I placed another kiss on his forehead. I couldn't help but let a goofy grin spread across my face.

God Kevin, now you're acting like a dork.

I silently creeped out of his house and across the street. I unlocked my front door and went upstairs. I placed the dork's gift on my dresser, set my alarm for 7 a.m., then jumped into bed with the same grin still plastered on my face.

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