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*Your POV*

"Oscar hunny! Come brush your teeth!" I shout from the bathroom. I hear small footsteps run across the floor, and to my direction. When my little boy comes in to view, it strikes me that he hasn't got dressed yet.

"Ozzy, why haven't you gotten dressed yet?" I put my hands on my hips and stare down at him with a funny look.

Oscar giggles and points behind him. I roll my eyes when I see Harry emerge from his room wearing some of my red lipstick, way too much blusher, and a pink fairy dress.

If you're wondering where he got it from, he lost a bet with the lads and had to wear it for Halloween. Yes, they still act like 2 year old. But it's fine because so do I.

Harry comes running up to us, and picks Oscar up to tickle him. We all start laughing together, then Harry puts him down. "Now go get ready little man." Harry points his finger at him.

When Oscar turns around Harry slaps his small bum lightly, and chuckles.

"HEY!" Oscar exclaims running faster into his bedroom.

"Why? Can I just- why?" I giggle, and Harry comes closer. He wraps his arms around my waist tightly, and I secure mine around his neck.

"I'm just a good father and do anything to make my son laugh. Is that a crime?" He says his smirk getting wider.

"No... unless it's a crime to be so adorable, yet so sexy at the same time." I bite my lip, knowing he loves it when I do so.

"Stop it." He chuckles lightly and walks away. I giggle to myself and catch up with him.

"Stop what?" I giggle more as I clutch his waist with my arms. He turns around to face me and smiles.

"Whatever." He laughs, jogging down the stairs.

"Oscar, you nearly ready?" I call as I make my way to his bed room.

"Nearly!" He sticks his tongue out as he put his socks on.

"Honey, little help?" Harry grumbles as he also, sticks his tongue out, attempting to pull the small fairy dress off of him whilst standing outside Oscar's room. I laugh and walk over to help him.

"Remind me, why did you put this one again?" I giggle, causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"Because I was trying to make our son laugh." He huffs, with attitude in his voice.

*Knock, knock*

"That'll be Gemma and Ashton." I say as I pull the dress past Harry's waist and then leave him to do the rest. I skip down the stairs and unlock the door.

"How's my favourite sister-in-law?" Gemma smiles.

"Harry isn't an in-law." I giggle, her joining in soon after.

"Hey, love." Ashton hugs me, stepping into the house.

"Uncle Ashton!" Oscar come running down the stairs.

"Hey little buddy!" Ashton giggles as he picks my smol child up and they take off into the kitchen.

"Y/N?" Harry calls, drawing both mind and Gemma's attention to the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, babe?"

"Um, you might want to come up here." I give Gemma a worried look. She nudges me towards the stairs.

"What have you done?" I walk towards Harry.

"Sit down." He instructs and I sit on the edge of our bed, he soon follows.

"You know one of your favourite bands is My Chemical Romance?" Harry begins, tracing circles on the palm of my hand.

"Yes." I stare at him curiously.

"Well, they might have announce that they are getting back together."



Sorry, I had to include MCR. Don't judge me!! Everything has been about MCR for me lately bc in 2 days, 2 BLOODY DAYS! It's two years since... *sniffles* They announced they were splitting up *cries emo tears*

Anyways, I hope you have all enjoyed this story. I will be editing it and changing the way I did the speech in the a lot of the chapters too.

We are nearly at 5k reads, thanks you all so much. I love you my smol children!!

~ Punk-Rock-Hemmo

A Fortunate Direction《Harry Styles X Reader》{Editing}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt