I Do.

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Everything runs through smoothly, and then we reach the vows. Harry goes first. "Y/N..." he sighs. "You..." Unexpectedly, Harry throws his piece of paper into the audience, takes my hand and looks me in the eyes. Everyone gasps at Harry's actions.

"Dude, what are yo-" I hear Louis whisper from behind Harry. But Harry hushes him, and continues to look deeply into my eyes.

"Y/N, there is no words or actions that can tell you how much you mean to me. So I'm gonna try my best here." He begins with a smirk. I stifle a laugh and he carries on.

"You are my everything. I wouldn't  care if I didn't get all of your love. Just a little bit of your heart is all I want, it's all I need. I have loved you since we were eighteen. Before we even though any of his could happen. And the way you love me, is how I want to love you. You give me everything I could ever need. And I just want to give back to you."

When Harry finishes, tears are spilling from my eyes like it's raining. I jump into Harry's arms, and cry on his shoulder. "That was beautiful!" I say, muffled a little in his back suit.

We step back, and Gemma gives me my piece of paper with my vows on. Simular to Harry, I take it between us and rip it down the middle. And I rip it again, and again. Then I throw it into the aisle, making it look like confetti. I wipe my eyes and then begin my vows.

"You don't understand how grateful I am for you to be in my life. You are the best thing that had ever happened to me. Without you, I wouldn't know my best friends. I would probably still be living with my parents, still wondering what love is." I chuckle, and watch Harry wipe away a tear that had escaped down his cheek. "The years that I have known you, have been the best years of my life. I have never laughed so much, cried so much, smiled so much, and loved anybody as much as you. You are my only, and always will be. You won't have just a little bit of my heart, you will have all of it, and everything else I can give you. I love you Harry." Both of us are now balling our eyes out, along with everyone else in the church.

"I love you too Y/N." Harry takes my hands, and the priest speaks again.

"Well..." he clears his throat. "Those may well have been the most beautiful vows I have ever heard. Now, I don't think there is much more I need to say. So now, as we near the end of this beautiful ceremony..."

yes! I know what's coming!

My smile gets wider, which I didn't think was possible.

"Y/F/N, do you take the Harry Edward Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks me first.

"I do." I reply, full of conviction.

"And Harry Edward Styles, do you take the Y/F/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Of course I do."

"Now you may kiss the bride!" The priest finally announces.

" I have been waiting for this all day." Harry whispers before cupping my cheeks tightly, and kissing me. I place on hand over his, and the other on this side.

We pull back, and stare into each other's eyes. "We did it." I say in a hushed voice. "Yes we did." Harry replies.

We hadn't noticed, but the crowd were cheering loudly behind us.

Harry picks me up, bridal styles, since I am one, and walks me down the aisle. Everyone else follows in a big cluster.


I am Mrs.Styles...

A Fortunate Direction《Harry Styles X Reader》{Editing}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя