First Valentines Day!

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***Morning before Valentines day/February 13th***
**YOUR P.O.V**
I wake up at 10:00 to an empty bed, and a not beside me from my boyfriend,of 2 weeks tomorrow, Harry Styles. It ready;
Hey babe! Gone shopping with the boys, for a little something for our girls. Should be back at about 2-ish, if not sooner. Love you x
H. Xxx
I smile to myself like an idiot. Even though me and Harry have been going out for nearly 2 weeks, his sweetness still surprises me and makes me blush. Harry thinks it's cute when I blush, but I find it embarrassing because I go really red. But what can ya do about it eh? Even though I hate it there is not much I can do.

It's now 12:00 and I have had breakfast, and I am dressed. I decide to invite the girls over, to keep me company while Harry was gone. They come over and we all just talk about girly stuff.
Jade:So has anyone else's boyfriend been acting like,  really really sweet, yet suspicious like they have something planned?
Perrie: Oh I thought that was just Zayn
Eleanor:Yeah Louis has been like that too!
Sophia:Yeah! Liam has been acting more sweet than usual.
You:Same. Harry always leaves me notes places, even if he tells me where he is going he leaves notes with loads of kisses. It's like they are planning something.
Gemma: But for you Y/N , its seems like Harry would do anything! He really loves you.
I start to blush when she says he loves me, even though he says it like every 5 minnutes, its still sweet.
You:I really love him too.
Perrie and Jade:Awww
Perrie:Its just cute that you two are so in love. It reminds me of Zayn and I, when we first started going out.
You:You mean you'renot like that now?
Perrie:Well when you are a couple for longer you just don't like, make out all the time and just kiss and snog and stuff, you kind of just get userd to each other. You know what I mean?
You:Yeah I know what you mean.
We all just keep having random conversations, until Harry gets back.
Harry:Hey beautiful! I'm home!
He yells,walking into the hotel room.
You:Well I can kind of tell that!
I reply sarcastically,while taking my empty cup,which I had made really in earlier, over to the sink. As I begin to wash the dishes, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
Harry:Let me do them gorgeous.
He says pulling me away from the sink, so he can wash the dishes. I give the girls a look saying, 'See hes being extra sweet what do I do?' , and they all gesture, that I should ask him whats going on, so I do.
You:Hey Hazza, are you and the boys hiding something from us?
Harry turns to me looking concerned.
Harry:W-what do you mean?
You:Well you seem to be going out alot, and then coming back to me like half way through the day, which means we only have half as much time together before you go on tour.
Harry: Okay. We are all planning something for you girls, but I cant tell you because its a surprise. And I know I haven't been spending as much time with you as I should but i promise it will be worth it.
Harry says, smirking and wrapping his hands round my waist. This makes me smile, to know that we were right, and that it is a surprise, and they aren't going and doing something stupid. Me and Harry just stare into eachother's eyes, content for a moment. Until we are inurrupted, by the girls.
Eleanor:Hey we're gonna go now hun, the boys are probably back now. We will see you tomorrow.
I separate from Harry, and say goodbye to the girls. After they have left, Harry comes up behind me again.
Harry:Now...where were we?
He says cheekily.
You:Right about here.
I say cuddling into him.
Harry:And where was it going to go?
He says, keeping his cheeky tone.
You:I think maybe here.
I say knowing exactly what he wants. I turn to face him and go up on my tip toes. I kiss him softly, and then he leans down into me, leading me to relax, flat on my feet. We separate, and he rests his forehead on my shoulder.
Harry:I love you Y/N. Never forget that.
He whispers in my hear, before resting his head back down on my shoulder, and tightening his grip around my waist.
You:I love you too Harry. And I don't  think I could ever stop.
I whisper back, before kissing the side of his head.

A Fortunate Direction《Harry Styles X Reader》{Editing}Where stories live. Discover now