Pier Apology.

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What's going on?
Why is everyone breaking up?
Everything is falling apart!

I stare up at the ceiling of my hotel room, thinking over the events of the last few weeks. I sit there twiddling my thumbs, because I have no idea what to do. 'I'm bored' I keep saying, in between huffs. I'm pretty sure Zayn and Louis are here, because else I'm just talking to myself.
Tonight is Y/N's big surprise party. But I'm not too sure if I want to go through with it, after this morning's fiasco. It hurt looking back at the memory. It hurt bad. I loved her. Actually that's a lie. I still do love her. I need to talk to Niall. I don't understand why he would kiss her. Or why she would kiss him. Niall only just broke up with Jade this morning. Surely he didn't like Y/N. Was that the reason they broke up? No it can't have been!
Okay the only way I'm going to settle this is actually going to talk to him.
Am I talking to myself?
Ugh! I can't think straight lately. Ever since that phone call from Y/N, when we broke up. I messed up lyrics when we were performing, and I don't know how many times I cried during 'Moments' and 'Little Things'. It's so hard knowing she has moved on. But what can I do? That's why I'm throwing her this party. But she kissed Niall. She loves Niall. Niall loves her. Niall stole the live if my life!!! That's it. I have to go and see him. Now.

When I get to Niall's, I raise my fist to knock on the door, but Niall opens it instead. He looks like he was going somewhere. And he seemed out of breathe. I'm not surprised after his make out session with my girlfriend. Well ex girlfriend.

Niall:Hey Harry. What's up?

Harry: Don't "What's up?" Me Horan! You stole my girl! You stole the love of my life! You kissed Y/N!!

I lose control. I start pushing Niall backwards into the house. I clench my fists with anger. He puts his hands on my chest, and push back slightly.

Niall:Whoa! Whoa! Hazz! You don't understand! Let me explain!

I hold back my anger slightly, and fold my arms over my chest.

Harry:Then Go! Explain.

Niall: Okay. I'm not in love with her. And she doesn't love me either. I was just upset, and she was just there, and I needed comfort. She didn't kiss me, I kissed her. I'm sorry Harry. I didn't realise what I was doing. But nothing is ever going to happen between me and Y/N.

I sigh in relief, bringing Niall into a bro hug. I begin to realise how much it would have hurt if he said they were in love, and that Y/N had moved on. Tears fill my eyes, as I let out a little sniffle during me and Niall's best friend moment. They are almost tears of joy, that there isn't anything going on between them. But it's more like relief.

Harry:Thanks man. I just....I don't know. She just means so much to me and I have to get her back. Did she say anything to you about me?

Niall:No. Not really. But I could tell she loved you. No matter how much she denies it, she still does. It's obvious.

Me and Niall talk for a bit, until he wants to go and speak to Jade. He wants her back too. We say our goodbyes, and go our seperate ways.

I need to take a walk. Clear my head before I see Y/N tonight.

I decide to take a walk down the Brighton Pier. The sun is just setting. It's beautiful. But not as beautiful as Y/N. I can't get her out of my head again. If only she was here. I would hold her in my arms, and we would stare out to the- Wait...Y/N?
She's here. On the pier. I'm on the pier! We are both on the pier together!
I have talk to her.

A Fortunate Direction《Harry Styles X Reader》{Editing}Where stories live. Discover now