"You can't change your mind," Mom says. "It's only once a week, and you're lucky to have a placement in the first place."

"But a shop?" I say. "Out of all places?"

A shop entails attending and dealing with customers. A cake shop suggests that one can actually bake cakes. And I can do neither of those things. And now, standing at the entrance, I'm nothing but reluctant to volunteer here.

Mom drags me towards the shop and I trip over my own feet. She opens the door and a bell rings above our heads.

One word springs to mind as we enter, and that is plush. Everything is white or floral. There's a long counter filled with cakes, pastries and other sweet and savoury delights, all looking as mouth-watering and delicious as the next.

Despite having had breakfast, my stomach rumbles. I get drawn to the large chocolate cake and I lick my lips.

"Hello," Mom says. "My daughter, Haley, is here to start her first day in the shop."

The woman behind the counter takes one look at my mom and I and opens her arms in a welcoming gesture. Her crazy, black hair and flustered cheeks match her wide grin. "Hiya!" she says, "I'm Katherine, welcome to All Things Sweet."

"When does my daughter's shift end?"

"Five o'clock," Katherine says.

Five o'clock? That's an eight hour day. I've only just got used to the school day.

"Great," Mom says, and she kisses my cheek. "Bye sweetie, good luck."

"Thanks," I reply, then she leaves and I'm on my own.

"Come behind the counter, Haley," Katherine says, motioning me over. She holds out an apron and I slide it over my neck; I fumble with the knot at the back.

"So Haley," the Katherine says, rubbing her hands together. "I own this shop. We'll need to run through the safety stuff later but that's boring so I'll give you the tour now." Katherine's smile is so big it's scary how enthusiastic she is to have me, despite this being organised totally last-minute. "We're normally quiet in the mornings which'll give me the perfect opportunity to teach you how to work the till. Ever worked in a shop before, Haley?"

"No," I say.

Katherine leads me through the door behind the counter. The room is long and thin with pots, pans and baking strays stacked up in every corner. Cupboards are wide open and the sink is piled high with dirty wooden spoons and whisks. An egg timer goes off from an unknown place and I jump.

Katherine grabs a pair of polka dot oven mitts from the side and takes a set of twelve, golden cupcakes from the oven. She sets them on top of the cooker and admires them for a moment.

"We'll let them cool down," she says, and she walks down the kitchen, closing the cupboards as she passes. "This is the kitchen, this is where I'll be spending the majority of the time. You'll be spending some time out here too." At the end of the room there are two doors. "That's the restroom and that's my office, don't leave the shop unattended so if you need to go to the bathroom just let me know and I'll manage the shop while you're gone."

"I'm not very good with customers," I say.

Katherine waves her hand and says, "All you need is practice, you'll get the hang of it."

I think I need a little more than practise.

"That's about it," Katherine says. "Any questions?"

I open my mouth. I don't have any questions but there's a dozen things I want to say. "No," I say, shaking my head.

"Good, I'll teach you how to work the till then."

Sisters [book one]Where stories live. Discover now