chapter 2

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"Cops!" I yelled from our getaway car.

Four guys opened the doors and climbed aboard. "Floor it!" Liam shouted from the passenger seat. Just as I drove away from the beaten bodies on the ground, the cops started to come. Some stopped to checked the bodies, while two in their cars chased after us.

As they got nearer, I took a sharp turn, which lead to a highway. Weaving my way through the cars at high speeds helped me loose the cops. Just to be sure, I took an exit and turned into an alleyway to make a u-turn and stopped right by the opening of the alleyway. When I was about to leave, the two cop cars drove right pass us and turned onto another street. I took that as my cue to leave.

"Ready?" I asked the guys.

"Yeah, we finished our business here." Liam said.

"Wow, I never will get used to your driving," Vincent said out of breath like he was holding it throughout the ride. That just made me smirk.

"Wimp," Mark muttered.

"What did you say?!" Vincent yelled, which caused his twin brother, Jason to hit him upside his head.


"Drama queen"

"Brat, say one more insult to me I'll push you out this car"

"Enough, lets go home, we'll be in this car for an hour. So shut up until that hour is up." I interrupted, as I start to pull out the alleyway and head home.

"Fine," Vincent scoffed

"Good boy" Mark said, causing everyone except Vincent to snicker.


Before he can push Mark out the car, Jason pushed him back down. Well, this is going to be a long hour.


A/N: That's chapter two, and here's the characters' information.

Name: Kyle Felt

Age: 20

Eye color: Emerald

Hair color: Red

Personality: Mature, responsible, 'older brother' type, BUT twice as scary once angered

Name: Liam Weller

Age: 19

Eye color: Light Green

Hair color: Brown

Personality: Flirt, player, and has a whole lot of connections everywhere

Name: Jason Anderson (Jace/ J)

Age: 17

Eye color: Dark Green

Hair color: Light blonde (to the point it almost looks white)

Personality: Silent but deadly (maybe because you just forget about him, that when he does strike it's terrifying)

Extra: Younger twin to Vincent

Name: Vincent Anderson

Age: 17

Eye color: Blue mixed with a little Green

Hair color: Blonde (darker than Jason's, but not dirty blonde)

Personality: The 'clown' of the group, trickster, prankster

Extra: Older twin to Jason

Name: Mark Myers (Brat- from Vincent)

Age: 15

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Black

Personality: Intimidating, quiet, moody, mean (but on the inside he is a big softie)

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