Chapter 17

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You finished your breakfast just as Bones was waking up. He sat up ramrod straight and looked around like he was looking for any danger. His eyes landed on you and he immediately relaxed, slumping back against the wall. "Bones, what's wrong? And don't say nothing." you said. "I had a nightmare." he confessed, and he curled up into a ball. You got up, went over to him, sat down next to him, and held him in your arms.

He eventually relaxed and saw that you got him breakfast, snatching the bag and grabbing the coffee. You had assumed that he had calmed down enough and you went back to your seat across from him. You grabbed a blanket and pillow and returned to your side of the seats. You wedged the pillow between your shoulder and head, and threw the blanket over the lower half of your body. You closed your eyes and were drifting off to sleep when you felt Bones climb over you and snuggle down between you and the backs of the seats. He moved his arm so it was across your waist and under your arm that was resting across your waist. The seats were longer than other seats you have sat on while on a train. You fell asleep to the steady rhythm of Bones breathing and the wheels rattling over the tracks.

You woke to sunlight in your face. So, still half asleep, your turned over to face the backs of the seats and snuggle up to Bones. But he wasn't there. You sat up to look for him, and none of his stuff was there. There wasn't anyone on the train either. You looked out of the window, it looked like night. Then a figure appeared on the other side of the window. 'Who is that? He looks familiar.' you thought. The figure put his hand up to the window and gave you a sad smile. You walked closer to the window and realized it was Bones on the other side. You put your hand up and were about to touch the glass when someone, or something, grabbed you and dragged you away from the window. You fought to get free, and Bones starting pounding on the glass. Then everything went black.

You sat up gasping for air. 'Not again.' you thought. You looked around and everything was where it had been before you fell asleep. You felt a hand on your back and jumped out from under the blanket. You stumbled and fell on the floor, looking back to where you were laying. Bones was where he had been when you fell asleep, except he had a concerned look on his face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." you said looking down at the floor. "You didn't wake me, darlin'. You were asleep for 5 minutes." Bones said. "Oh." was all you could say. You got up and lied back down in front of him, facing him. You buried your head into his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. You both eventually moved so he was on his back facing the ceiling and you were laying on top of him with your head on his chest and his hands on the small of your back. You fell asleep in his warm embrace, and stayed asleep for an hour.

You woke up just as you had fallen asleep, except you were laying on your side and Bones was blocking your view of the other side of the seats with his body. You moved a little and you felt Bones kiss the top of your head. You moved closer to him and closed your eyes again. "We should probably get ready to change trains. We have less than 20 minutes." Bones said after a while. You sighed and said "Fine." He rolled off the seats and stood up, helping you up. You gathered everything up and had 5 minutes left before you had to go anywhere. You sat down next to Bones and put your head on his chest, and he put his arm around your shoulder. You both stayed like that until the train ride was over and you had to change trains.

Together, you and Bones didn't have too many bags so it didn't take long to move. You found 4 seats that were together. They were just like your seats on the other train. You decided to go back to sleep, so you grabbed your pillow and blanket and curled up on the seats. Bones came over and sat down by your head, and started smoothing out your hair. You were on the verge of sleep when Bones leaned down, kissed your cheek, and said "I love you, Y/F/N. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I don't have the guts to tell you when you're awake. But I love you, I really do."

You smiled to yourself and grabbed his hand. You kissed his hand and said "I think you have enough guts. You just don't think you have enough. I have never done this before, but..." You sat up, kissed him, and said "You have changed my life for the better. You have taken care of me and I have taken care of you. I love you, Leonard McCoy. I have always loved you, from the moment I met you, even though you had your head in the toilet." You kissed him again, this time longer and more passionately. He kissed you back, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you on to his lap. His other hand curled around your thigh. Your hands tangled themselves in his already messy hair and pulled his closer.

You felt the electricity between you and him. It was the best feeling, better than anything you had felt before. You never wanted it to stop. Kissing him was like a drug to you. It made you feel like you were high. You loved that feeling.

The train lurched to a stop and you and Bones fell off the seat. You fell and weren't hurt. Unfortunately, Bones wasn't as lucky. He landed right next to you, but his backpack fell from the overhead bin and landed on his left hand. He choked back a yell as he moved the bag off his hand. You got up to see how bad his injury was. Everything looked okay, except 3 of his 5 fingers were swollen and starting to turn black and blue. "It'll be okay." you promised him. Bones sat up and said "I'm a doctor, I can take care of myself." You got out his med kit and said "Yeah, well good for you. I'm a nurse and not injured." You thought for a second and said "Scratch that. I may be injured, but I'm not currently in pain. You know what, just sit down and let me take care of you."

He did so and let you scan his hand. After a few minutes the results came back. "You have no fractures or breaks. Your pinkie is sprained, nothing else is injured." You found the correct size splint for his finger and adjusted it to fit. When you were done, you looked at your watch. "We have another hour and a half left." you said, and snuggled up next to Bones. The train was moving again, but you didn't really notice until you looked out of the window.

His good hand moved to under your chin and tilted your head up so you had to look him in the eyes. "Shall we pick up where we left off, darlin'? We kinda got a little side tracked." Bones said, a mischievous glint making its way into his eyes. You bit your lip and smiled, a habit you had when you got happy and nervous at the same time. "Defiantly." you said. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him over to you, your lips connecting. Bones kept moving so you had your back on the bottom of the seats and he had his hands by both sides of your head to hold him up. You never wanted this moment to end.

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