Chapter 13

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He walked forward. You walked forward towards him. "What are you doing here?" Bones asked. You looked at the ground and kicked at the dirt. "I... Felt abandoned. When you left. I know how you felt when I walked out of the hospital. And I'm sorry." you said, looking up as you finished. "I'm sorry I made you feel like that. Trust me, that was never my intention. But that still doesn't answer my question." he said, and you knew he was honest. You looked him square in the eyes and said "I had this gut feeling that I would eventually become useful in helping you find the deed. That was the only thing that made sense at the moment. It felt like my whole world was coming down around me, and the only thing I could think of was to come after you." You looked back down at the ground and looked back up after a moment. His expression had softened and he said "Aw, darlin'." letting his southern draw slip. Bones walked closer to you and wrapped his arms around you. You hugged him back and breathed in his fresh scent.

You felt something on your neck. You quickly realized it was his lips. They traveled up your neck and you giggled. You felt him chuckle and his warm breath travel over your bare skin. His lips grazed over your jawline and you moved your hands to his shoulders then to his neck. Bones backed you up against the truck, one hand at the small of your back and the other traveling to the back pocket of your jeans. Your body bent to contour to the strong frame of his. You felt his heartbeat increase. You knew your heart was beating fast too. He then gave up kissing your neck and he moved onto your lips.

After about 5 minutes, you pulled away and asked, with a smile, "Should we go look for that deed now, or did I come all the way out here for nothing?" He grinned, put his arm around your shoulder, and lead to towards the house. He opened the screen door for you, and you were in the entry way. It was nothing more than a coat rack and a doormat. Straight ahead there is a stair case and a hallway. To the left is the kitchen and to the right is the living room. Bones leads you up the stairs to another room.

Stuff was everywhere. Boxes, bins, and containers of all shapes and sizes littered the floor. It was complete madness and chaos. He could never find anything in a mess like this. "When did you start?" you asked him. His eyes swept over the mess and he said "When I arrived. Yesterday." "Have you left the house at all?" you asked, genuinely concerned about him. "No." he said, looking down at the floor. "When was the last time you ate?" you asked and looked over at him. Bones looked up and said "On the train. Two days ago."

That's the exact thing you didn't want to hear. You took his hand and lead him down to the kitchen. "Sit down." you said as you ran to your truck. You grabbed your backpack and the donuts and milk. You walked back into the house and set everything down. His eyes widened when he saw the box. You pushed it towards him and he immediately stuffed a third of a donut into his mouth. You went and grabbed him a glass for the milk. He poured and drank two glasses before taking another bite of the donut. You grabbed your bag and pulled out your communicator. No new messages. As always.

He ate four donuts and drank the rest of the milk. "One more question. When was the last time you slept?" you asked him, finally seeing how he had bags under his eyes, his hair was uncombed, and he hadn't shaved for a while. He leaned back in his chair, ran a hand through his messy hair, and mumbled something unintelligible. "Bones." you said. An unspoken command telling him to speak up. "Yesterday." he said, more clearly this time. "Come on." you said, taking his hand and leading him up to what looked like his bedroom. You pushed him down onto the bed and pulled off his shoes. You took your shoes off and laid down next to him. You were on your side, looking at him. You closed your eyes and felt an arm around you. You snuggled up to Bones's chest and fell asleep to the slow rhythm of him breathing and the sound of his heart beating.

You were woken up by the sound of crashing and banging. You ran to the room where all the boxes were out. You saw a head pop up as you walked into the room. It was Bones. "What are you doing up? You slept for 15 minutes!" you yelled at him. You didn't want to be mean, but his health was important. "Go sleep. I'll look for the deed." you commanded him. "But..." he protested. You cut him off with a kiss. "Go lay down." you said, more gently this time. He did so this time.

You found the deed! It was in a box in the furthest corner of the room. You were going to wake up Bones, but decided against it when you saw him. He was on the bed under the covers, fast asleep. He never looked as peaceful as he did right at this moment. You decided to leave the house and go get the deed framed to surprise him. You started up the trucks and tucked the deed in your backpack.

You went to the craft store in the town and found a frame the correct size. You also bought wrapping paper, a bow, and a roll of tape. You wrapped the framed deed in the truck before you left the craft store. You headed back to the house and found Bones in the living room watching TV. You flopped down into the couch and sat there for a minute before handing him the present. "What's this?" he asked. "Open it." you said, sitting up so you could get a better look at his face. He opened it and his face lit up.

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