✖ Dinner ✖

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I try to laugh but I can't.

He waits so we can walk to the kitchen side by side.
He still thinks I hate him, I realize.
"Thanks for what you did there for me today." I murmur.
"What exactly would that be?" He mutters.
"You made sure I didn't have to watch Ben's execu...- banishment. You arranged that I got my own hut to assure I don't get attacked again. You were always nice without even really knowing me and you made my time here a lot more bearable. Should I go on and list more reasons?"

Newt shakes his head.
"It's okay. I'm glad I could help a little."

Without thinking about it, I slip my hand into his and squeeze it tightly.
It's meant to be a gesture of friendship and gratitude, but when he looks at me a little confused, there's something else in his eyes.

I let go because we arrive at the tables where the others are sitting.
They don't even notice us since they are busy eating. Winston waves at us to come and sit with him. We follow his invitation.

"That's Clint and Jeff. They're Med-Jacks. You know 'em already?"
"We sat together at lunch. But it's nice to see you again."
Both of them grin at me.
"Winston told us you fought ninja-like today." Jeff says and I nod.
Someone brings us food. "It was fun." I reply and everyone's laughing.

The conversation gets going easily and it's nice to talk with them.
After dinner, we go to the campfire and some of the boys sing melancholic songs.
Others are wrestling in the sand, but it's mostly Gally who's beating volunteers up.

I just sit in the corner with Newt and watch all that's happening.
Actually, I feel comfortable for once right there in this moment.

"What happened?" I break the silence.
"What do you mean?" He asks, his warm chocolate eyes locked onto mine.

"You have a limp. What happened?"
I don't dare to look away.
"You're the first person to ask this question and you only know me for 24 bloody hours. Let's just say for now... I used to be a runner and I had...an accident. I'd rather spare you the details."
He doesn't want to talk about it, obviously, so it must have been pretty bad.

"A runner, huh? So you know what's out there in the maze?"
"There isn't much to know. There are huge stone walls that change their place every shucking night.
We were trying to map it, still are. Those people who put us here better have a bloody good reason for it, because we're going to get out."
That's not what his eyes are saying. They are dark and sorrowful and almost look like he's given up all hope a while ago.

"That's brave. You are brave. When I look around, that's all I see: Strong and fierce individuals."
"What other choice do we have but being strong?"

"I trust you when you say that we're getting out of here, even though you don't believe in your own words.
Don't give up hope."
"Yeah, well, it's a bit late for that.
Why do you care?"

I want to take his hand and hold it in a non-friendship way, but I feel like it's too soon after the thing with Ben.
"Because I still have hope."
His eyes wander off into the distance and I stare into the flames of the campfire.
Soon, I get sleepy and I can't help it that my eyelids are shutting.
"I think I better-..." I murmur and forget what I wanted to say.

The Maze Runner ✖ Unbroken {Newt}Where stories live. Discover now