✖ First view of the Glade ✖

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All this doesn't make sense at all.

Why is my memory gone, what does he mean by 'Glade', why was Gally so mad at me, how did I get here, why do they use such weird words, why am I the third Greenie in three days and what does this crap even mean?

Hundreds of questions are running through my head until I close my eyes for a second and force myself to focus.

I grab Newt's hand to get out of the box, thankful that there seems to be at last one person who's not against me.

The moment I look up, I stumble back. "What the hell?" I'm on a giant glade with a few insecure looking tree-houses, stables and animals and, huts and quite a lot of boys.

The glade is surrounded by colossal - I mean really colossal - stonewalls, full of ivy and dirt.

"Alby will show you everything." Newt says, pointing at a muscular dark-skinned guy who seems to be one of the oldest boys on the glade. "He's kind of our leader in here."

Alby walks towards me, no sign of a smile or friendly expression on his face.

I don't want Newt to leave me alone with one of these boys, but I feel like it would come out very embarrassing if I say it out loud, so I keep my mouth shut.

"I'll catch you up later, if you want" he offers and I nod, glad that he noticed how uncomfortable I am.

"Come on, Greenie." Alby says in his deep authoritative voice. Before turning around to follow him, I wave shortly at Newt and say "See you then."

Instead of answering, he just gives me a stunning smile while waving back.

"So where are the other girls?" I ask Alby. "There are no other girls, only one. She arrived yesterday, 's still in coma." He replies while walking. "And why are there no other girls in here?"

I don't want to be annoying; I've just got so many questions.

"We don't know. Since two years, the box brought up one newbie every month, until yesterday. The day before, Thomas arrived. Everything was normal back then, but the two following day we got two girls including you for no apparent reason. A lot of Gladers are upset, you have to understand that.

I'm sorry that Gally yelled at you. He had no right to do that. However... You see these walls?

They close every evening at the same time and open every morning at the same time. We don't know who put us here or why, the only things we remember are simple things like our name or how to ride a bike, but no memories of the ones who named us or taught us that.

No memories at all, someone erased them, no clue who and why. Since the day the first of us arrived here, our best guys are looking for a way out.

The runners."

The sun is going down slowly and he gestures to the doors. Three sweaty boys are just coming out of the dark behind it, running in our direction now.

The Asian runner sizes me up and groans: "Another shuckin' girl-newbie? Awesome." He looks tired and less than thrilled.

Why does everybody who sees me have to react like this? It's not very good for my self-esteem, to be honest.

One of the other two runners stares at me like he's never seen a girl before.

"This is Minho, Ben and Shaun" Alby presents them.

"Let's go get something to eat at Frypan's. I'm starving." Minho says and the other runners follow him as he walks away.

"What's Frypan?" I ask. "Who", Alby corrects me, "And he's the closest thing we've got to a cook in here. You must be hungry as hell, at last I am. You're coming or what?" I finally start to like Alby.

We walk towards the wooden tables where the other Gladers are already sitting and eating.

A bit lost, I am standing in the middle of everything, looking for Newt. He suddenly appears behind me and welcomes me with a stunning smile.

"Are you waiting for someone?" "Actually, you" I answer and smile back. "You can sit with Alby, Minho, Thomas, me and a few other shanks if you want" He offers, pointing at a table.

Thomas? Isn't that the newbie from a few days ago? I sit down next to Newt and Minho, but Minho doesn't even seem to notice me.

He's too busy eating as much as fast as he can. "Was there anything special today?" Alby asks Minho, but as he doesn't answer, Ben shakes his head on his place.

Another Glader comes over and places two bowls with - I guess that's dinner - for Alby and me on the table.

The others are already served. After staring at me until I'm uncomfortable again, he leaves.

I take a sip of the soup-like substance and it's surprisingly okay.

"Why can't I be a runner, too?" Thomas mutters. Minho throws down his spoon and looks at him furiously.

"What's shuckin' wrong with you and your death-wish? No one wants to be a runner voluntarily, no one!"

Everyone continues eating, a few boys at the other tables are laughing at a joke we didn't hear.

The Maze Runner ✖ Unbroken {Newt}Where stories live. Discover now