"Would you cease pawing at me. I am not your toy to be fondled as such."

"Never had a toy in my life so I wouldn't know," Tarquin smirked roguishly but it was his words that made her pause and not his handsome countenance. The Prince could be some master reader of other humans but that did not diminish her own skills of observation. His words added more to his mystery rather than resolving any of it. The little clues he left behind did not add up.

"Then you must refrain from treating like an object. I will not be treated thus!"

"You do not have the power to tell me what to do you weak helpless fool. You are mine now. I am your lord and master," The man spat out harshly, his mood changing like tumultuous clouds. He stood up and turned away from her with his strange eyes flashing, "One more word and I shall-"

"You'll what? Force yourself on me?" Jza sneered back. Her insides were feeling just as corroded as the wasted garden around her. Emotionally depleted there was nothing he could do to make her feel anything but annoyance at the moment.

"Yes, why not, I'm often bored," The man shrugged easily and turned around without a frown marring his well formed face.

"We made a bargain," Jza warned hoarsely. If he even took a single misguided step towards she would run. Her body was tense in anticipation. Her hands were as good as tied behind her back but she would not let him gain the satisfaction of abusing her.

"Of course," Tarquin replied pleasantly,"I shall do exactly as the lady bids me to, that is until she entertains me with the barbarian customs she seems to know so much about."

"Is there not a more capable person in your retinue then this bruised, little fool," The princess sneered.

"Yes, but what's the fun in that," The Lord replied, ended the argument decisively and Jza deflated under his pointed stare.

"There- there is much I do not remember but I have the basic ideas," The princess said warily her eyes still darting towards the marble archway that could have been her last hope for freedom. At the gesture the Lord made she haltingly started speaking; about the customs; the rituals; the battles. She continued until her dry lips cracked.

"And that is how Galios conquered the barbarian enemies. As they say the rest is history." Jza ended her tale while the Lord had watched her quietly absorbing her every single word. Jza felt goosebumps rise on her body and the single minded forcefulness of his gaze, "Wouldn't it be best if we leave for your rooms. It will be dark soon."

Instead of replying Tarquin nodded, took her hand and helped her up. They took a very comfortable pace and led her down the marble pathway that entered the large archway of the main entrance. Jza shook her head, "No, that is perhaps the longest way back to the rooms. It would not do."

"Of course, I shall follow your guidance since you know best having lived here all your life," The Lord said amiably.

"How do you know that is a fact. Maybe I am some noble's base-born daughter making her way in the world as a scullery maid. Have you not thought about that? Maybe that's why I was left behind, excess baggage you see. All alone in the world."

"I doubt you would have fought with such devotion for your father's last memory if he had rejected you," The man patted his shirt pocket smugly as Jza watched with his movements with narrowed eyes.

"Maybe, I am the needy, desperate type grappling with my only sense of identity," Jza retorted.

"No, you would have spat in his face. You would never grovel."

With those words he motioned for the guard to open his rooms. Inside Jza was met with a short, petite girl waiting for her with a large hair brush in her hands. The girl bowed sharply at her Lord and circled his captive with narrowed eyes. The two exchanged words in their own language as the maid pulled off the jacket to examine the damaged sleeve. There were already a few dresses laid out for her use.

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