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"Explain!" I say seeing Hayes walk into the kitchen.

"The first weekend I stayed with mom lile I promised dad but then I said to mom I was moving to britain with all of you but instead I moved here and got a weekend job at Holister and living off that money with Mia living with me" He sighed making coffee and sitting in front of me at the island.

"What the fuck Hayes you lied to mom does she even know about Mia and the baby?" I asked.

"No" He replied.

"Jesus Hayes" I shout.

"You can't talk you haven't spoken to mom since we were ten and now we are sixteen" He sighs.

"I didn't get along with her she never understood me so dont fucking turn that page with me" I shout.

"Whatever" He huffed.

"Wait you've been living by yourself for three weeks?" I asked shocked. "You never used to even be able to cook for yourself" I laugh.

"Yeh" he shrugged. "Wait what the fuck are you doing here?" He asked making me laugh. So I told him about what happened with Louise and then wanting to come home and missing Blake.

"Oh" Was all he said.

"Babe we need to go to school" Mia said walking into the kitchen looking down into her bag. She soon stopped in her tracks when she saw me. "Addy?" She asked.

"Hi" I waved.

"This is unexpected" She chuckled.

"Yeh um sorry i guess but do you want me to take you guys to school i wanna speak to Blake?" I asked.

"Yeh sure" Hayes smiled and we left for school.

"I'm gonna keep your car today" I smile to Hayes and he nods his head.

"You better pick us up" Mia laughs.

"Nah" I smirk.

"Come on Addy" she sighed.

"Of course i will" I laugh and then we get out of the car.

I walk over to our wall and see Blake sat there in deep conversation with Andrea. I sneak up and sit on the other side of her, Andrea sees me but I put my finger to my lips and she stays quiet.

I tap her shoulder and she turns to see me with the most shocked expression on her face. I hug her and she is tense at first since before I left we were arguing.

"I missed you" I sigh.

"I missed us" She frowned pulling apart.

"Me too" I sigh. "Can you skip school today and we go shopping"

"Hell yeh!" She shouted and jumped off the wall.

"Andrea?" I asked.

"Nah I cant because I have a big assignment due in today" She sighed and walked towards the school.

"Bye!" I shout and she waves to us.

So we spent the day shopping and talking and I was telling her about the useless school and people in UK who I hate.

"Yeh so I have some news" She stated.


"I lost the baby falling over my aunts dog waking down the stairs" She frowns.

"Omg baby I'm so sorry" I sigh hugging her.

"This sounds evil because its like I killed a human but I didn't want to end up like Mia" She laughed making me laugh.

"Of course you would say that" I laugh.

"I missed this" She frowned.

"Me too" I say hugging her.

"Come on lets go and pick up Hayes and Mia" I smile.

Hayes Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now