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"Addilyn!" Hayes screamed. I had drunk a fuck load more drinks and and it was just before midnight last time I checked and I hadn't seen Hayes since I beat the shit out of Mia.

"What!" I screamed turning around to face him.

"What the fuck did you do to Mia?" he asked anger through his whole face and sounded sober which surprised me.

"Um she pissed me off!" I slurred because I knew her already knows what I did.

"And you piss me off" he shouted. "You know I liked her" he sighed.

"Yeh for her fucking looks" I say. "She just wanted to fuck you and then disapear off" I say stating the obvious.

"And I didn't ask for your opinion" he shouted.

"Well you can still go run after her but she ain't coming here when I'm here" I sigh sipping my drink.

"What do you have against her?" he sighed questionly.

"You wouldnt care" I sigh yet again and walk off not giving a fuck about having to talk to him at the moment.

I made my way to the front room where the music was playing really loud and I started dancing.

It was at least two or three in the morning and slowly people were leaving. Most people that were staying at ours had already gone to bed except me, Blake, Cameron and Johnson. We were making sure everyone left.

I started getting tired so thought I should get people going home quicker. I went down to the basement and went into the closet full of shit.

I grabbed out the siren. Running up the stairs, I had sobered up a bit because I haven't drank much since oneish. I went upstairs opened the front door and hid behind it. Blake knew that I would do this when it hit around three. So when I turned the button on sounding the siren she turned the music off so every one could hear it after about ten minutes everyone had gone.

"High five" Blake said.

"The easiest way to empty out a party. Now good night" I sigh and walk upstairs to my room with Blake following behind me. We both changed into sweats and got into my bed and fell asleep.

"I aint get no sleep cuz of y'all now y'all aint get no sleep cuz of me" Nash screamed running through the upstairs banging two pans together and repeating it over and over.

I rolled over and looked on my shitty iPhone 5 to see what time it was. My phone read 11:05 am.

"Nash shut the fuck up!" I yell walking out of my room.

"You say what everyone feels" Johnson sighs walking up behind me.

"I made pancakes!" Nash yelled again.

"Shhh my head hurts" Blake says walking out of my room.

Before anyone could realise what Nash just said I was already in the kitchen eating a plate of pancakes covered in syrup. One by one everyone came down but Hayes was no where to be seen.

"Wheres Hayes?" I asked putting my plate in the sink.

"He left early this morning" Nash said.

"Wait what time were you up?" I asked noticing the whole kitchen was tidy.

"Um 9 but Hayes left a note. And the kitchen is tidy but the rest of the house isn't" He says and I nod my head and go upstairs.

Hayes Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now