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From: Kyle

We not working out

What the fuck!? Was all that was running through my head.

I instantly dial his number and he picks up pretty quickly.

"Kyle?" I say almost a whisper as the tears spill.

"Hey Addy" Mia said.

"What the fuck are you doing on my boyfriends phone?" I asked.

"Ah just taking some pics whilst he's in the shower" she said and I can feel the smirk growing on the face. "Oh wait he's coming back I'll send you pics k bye b" she hangs up.

The fucking bitch. "Hayes!" I shouted.

"Addy" he mimicked.

"Come here" I shout.

"What?" he asked walking into my room.

"You still dating Mia?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Um come look at this" I say as a pictures comes through from Kyle. I look at it before I show Hayes and I wish I didn't. It's a picture of Mia sucking Kyle's d.ick like what the actual fuck.

"The slag" Hayes yelled. "And him well he's a fucking shit for cheating" he screamed and left my room.

"Hayes" I screamed running after him. I pile on top of him so he doesn't go and chase after them.

"We are not snooping down to their level" I shout. "We're gonna play em" I smirk.

"What are you going on about?" he asked.

"Oh hunny don't worry but you are staying by my side for the rest of the summer" I smile and get off him back into my room.

"Right so what's the plan then?" he asked.

"That's what we need to sort now" I smirk again.

"Ok" he smiles and grabs my notebook from my desk.

"So plan break up" I laugh as I grab my pen and write it down.

"Step one?" he asked.

"Be oblivious" I say writing it down at the same time. "Pretend we didn't see the picture, pretend nothing happened" I say.

"Ok, how long is this gonna last?"

"Each step is one week"

"Ok then step two?" he asked.

"Mia falls into traps right?" I asked and he nods his head. "Ok so I set them up, use Kyle's phone text her telling her to come over. Then I leave meet you and we catch them in the act" I smirk.

"Ooh step three is ignorance!" he shouts jumping up. "They beg for forgiveness and we ignore them. Make them vulnerable"

"Yes" I nod. "The longer we leave them the more likely they will make their way back to each other and we catch them again" I shout writing again.

"Final step is the quick and easy break up enjoy the rest of our summer" Hayes says taking the pen and paper writing it in himself.

"Ok" I smile. "We start tomorrow" I say and head to the kitchen.

The clock read 19:30 explains why I'm hungry. I can't be bothered to cook so I call up for pizza. Half an hour later the door bell rings and my super hero arrives.

"Pizza!" I shout and the jacks, my brothers and Cameron come running up from the basement.

"What were yous doing down their?" I asked.

"Making a den" Cameron screams like a little kid.

"As 17 year old do" I laugh and take the food into the kitchen.

Hayes Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now