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The next day

"Party today" I scream running into the front room where Nash and Hayes were. You probably wanna know where our parents are. So we live with out dad and Nila, our stepmom. Our parents divorced and both remarried, my mom also had another child Skylynn. But as I said we live with our dad and Nila but they went on a summer vacation and we kind of have the house to ourself for like the first month.

"Ooh Hayes what did Mia say?" Nash said shoving Hayes's shoulder.

"She's coming" he smiled.

"Omg for real" I laughed and so did Nash. "My party and the slag is coming, she better not fuck anyone on my bed" I say and Hayes just gives me a look that could kill.

"She can't go in my bed either!" Nash shouts. "And if she does I'm fucking in your bed" He smirked and ran out of the room and into the kitchen with Hayes chasing him.

"Stop fighting" I yell and head upstairs not really caring about what they do. Instead I ring my best friend Blake. She picks up really quick like usual.

"Hey bitch" Her voice cheered through the phone.

"Guess what gurlllll?" I shout.

"What?" She asked.

"The slag is coming to my party tonight"

"Which one?" She questioned making me laugh.

"You know, Mia!" I laugh. "I told you what happened yesterday didn't I?" I asked.

"Oh yeh you stole Hayes phone and texted the slag" she laughed.

"Yup, well you staying tonight?" I asked changing the subject.

"Always" she laughed. Me and Blake have been together since day one, people say we are popular at school but other people say we are the bitches of the school and all I can do is agree. Our school is basically filled with snakes, bitches, jealous ass pigs and slags, so me and Blake stick together not really giving a fuck about anyone else.

"Ok come round soon cuz it's one and we need to get everything ready as well as ourselves" I say smiling.

"Ok I'm gonna come now" she says and I can hear her moving towards the front door picking up her bag and keys.

"You knew I was gonna say that didn't you?" I asked.

"Yeh that's why I'm ready to go now, you always make me come around one" she laughs and I hear here getting in the car.

"Well I don't want you to die so imma hang up see you soon" I say and she says her goodbyes and hangs up.

Hayes Twin SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon