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I was floating in what I assumed was the throne room of the Grass kingdom. I looked around to see a man in his early twenties wearing a crown and then came a knock on the door.

"Feel free." the king replied.

The door opened and Vixie,Rex, and that Grass soldier came in.

"Father the Fire assassin has escaped with a Wind elemental. " the Grass soldier explained.

"That is bad news,tell me Sora who was this Wind elemental? " the king asked.

"I don't know-" Sora started.

"He was my friend,Johnny Dex, he was a patrol Wind elemental. I do not know why he helped the Fire girl."Rex explained.

"I see." the king replied.

"King Jason,if I may ask wasn't there Grass guards escorting her to the dungeons? " Vixie asked.

"There was,apparently she burned them.They're in the infirmity right now healing." King Jason replied.

I wanted to say something, but I literally couldn't speak in the Dream world. All I could do was stand and watch as they were talking.

"I'll be sending some men to go after them,do you know where they might be heading?" Jason asked.

Vixie and Sora both shook their heads, but Rex said he might know.

"They couldn't be going to the Fire kingdom or the Water. And I highly doubt that Rock would take them." Rex explained.

"We're all aware of that." Jason said, annoyed.

"What I'm saying is they'll be heading somewhere where no Kingdom has no claim over." he finished.

"I see,I'll be sending out some men. If you want to help go out and fly and see if you can find Johnny. " the king said.

"Johnny wake up!" China yelled.

Battle of the elementsWhere stories live. Discover now