Fallen warrior

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It's been a few hours since we escaped from the Grass kingdom. Since then China and I have been sitting in the carriage going to where China told it to go.

"Where are we going again?" I asked.

"Do you really want to know?" China asked somewhat angry.

"Well I am coming along,...against my will!" I replied.

"Fine,but don't say I didn't warn you.
You see I'm an outlaw to the Fire kingdom, so we're not going there or the Water,Ice,or Wind. And the Rock doesn't want anything at all to do with this so they'll most likely have us executed. Not that it matters much for me. Anyway we'll be heading to the Temple of Purity,hopefully there we'll be able to figure out our next move. Why did you come with me Anyway? " China asked.

"I'm already marked a traitor for helping you escape. Staying would mean my death,besides I'm curious on why you wanted to kill us in the Ice kingdom. " I replied.

China stared at me for a few minutes, for some reason I felt as though if I moved I'll stop dead in my tracks.

"Classified. " she replied in a tone that sent a clear message that I shouldn't ask her that question again.

For a few more minutes we said nothing and I sat there thinking what Rex and Vixie were up to. Oh no,a full day with no sleep finally caught up with me.

"Kid,you okay?" China asked seeing I'm not 100% fine.

"Very sleepy,and my name is Johnny, not Kid." I replied.

"Why don't you sleep I'll wake you up when we get there." China said as I drifted to dream land.

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