Rock hard

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I woke up as we passed over a huge lake.

"How long was I out?" I asked. "Why'd you wake me?"

"About two hours,nothing much happened. Just wanted to make sure you didn't die on me. " China replied, keeping her eyes ahead of us.

*Sigh* I looked out the window and wondered what the Grass kingdom was doing. Not only am I with a fire assassin that's not welcome in her kingdom,I'm also marked as a traitor for helping her. Looking back I did have the ability to fight her,but something's bothering me,why didn't she just kill me on the spot or just leave immediately?

"Where are we going exactly? " I asked.

"To the first temple,located near the Rock kingdom. If we hurry we'll reach it by dusk. The only problem is only a Wind elemental can enter." She replied.

Oh so that's why she didn't kill me on the spot.

The entire time we said nothing as the ground went by us. Though I couldn't stop thinking,just how and why did this war start? As those words went through my head I felt as though someone else was in the carriage with us. When I looked though I saw no one else except China.

Five hours later we were entering Rock kingdom territory, though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. They're neutral but might do anything to remain neutral.

Suddenly I got a horrible feeling in my gut as if someone was out to get us.

"Whoa!" China yelled as we narrowly avoided a boulder.

I looked out to see someone in a hood using their elemental powers to throw rocks at us. I jumped out and grabbed my staff.

"Xeno!" I casted at the person.

They avoided it and began to chase both me and China.

Ahead of us was a forest and our only hope.

"Head into the forest! " I yelled.

"Are you insane!?" China asked.

"Yes,just do it!" I replied.

We both flew into the forest,but our pursuer was still following us.

They threw a boulder at the carriage and it broke apart,but I caught China with my free arm.

"Firus! " I casted.

The ball of fire hit them,But they were still on us even in the forest.

"Johnny let me go!" China ordered.

"Ok." I replied letting her go.

China landed and threw a small fireball at the hooded person. They fell over and I flew as fast as could over there.

"Who are you?" China asked.

The hooded person said nothing and China slapped them hard.

" name's Julia. " she replied.

"Why did you try to kill us? " China asked.

"I was under orders by our queen." Julia replied.

"Well those were the last orders you'll take! " China yelled making a fist and using her power of fire created a massive flame.

She raised it and -

"No!" I yelled.

Battle of the elementsWhere stories live. Discover now