Grass Kingdom

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The grass kingdom kept firing cannonballs at both the fire rangers and the Impurity.

"Retreat!" one of the rangers yelled.

"Xeno!" I casted at the remaining Impurity.

"Xenia!" Rex casted.

The Impurity were falling like flies and then we were able to land safely.

"Coming in for landing." Rex called out.

The carriage went down and Vixie and China made a safe landing,with Rex and I at their side.

"What's the occasion? " a grass soldier asked.

"Brougth a prisoner,we'd thought she'd be safer here." Vixie replied.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"An assassin named China Summers, she tried to kill some Wind elementales back in our kingdom. " she replied.

The grass soldier nodded and asked his colleges to escort her to the dungeons.

"King Jason would like a world with you three. " the soldier said.

We followed the soldier through the grass castle until we reached a dead end.

"Now what ?"Rex asked.

The soldier tapped the wall three times and a stairway opened up.

"That's what." he replied.

The entire time we were walking through the castle I got this horrible feeling that I was being watched. Every time we turned I always turned back to make sure no one was there. But I always felt a strong and ancient power looking at us.

"Anyone else feel like we're being watched? " I asked.

"Not in particular. " the grass soldier replied.

"No." Rex replied.

"Sort of." Vixie replied.

As soon as their replies came I felt a horrible chill followed by a horrible heat wave down my spine. Then I once again turned around to see China right behind me.

I was about to open my mouth,but she grabbed me and separated me from the others.

"Scream and your dead." she said as she let go of my mouth"Come on let's get out of here ."

"Why?" I whispered staying close to her.

"if you think for one second I'm going to be a prisoner of war,you've got another thing coming." she replied almost angrily.

"Johnny where are you!" Rex yelled running over here.

"Flakes! We've been spotted, let's go!" China yelled-whispered ,grabbing my arm.

We ran up the stairs and saw some grass soldiers waiting for us,crossbows ready.

"Surrender or die." one of them said.

"Firzia!" China yelled firing a ball of flame from her hand.

We ran through the rest and grabbed the winged carriage.

Battle of the elementsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن