Chapter 1: Moving and Confusion

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The sun shined over NMO's bed and over her face. NMO whined and snuggled closer to the wall near her bed. She slept some more knowing that she can wake up any time until she smelled Starbucks. NMO sat up in her bed realizing what today could be. "Oh god are we gonna visit family or go to a trip to Paris or something?" NMO thought. But the smell of white chocolate mocha made her get up and see what's going on.
When NMO was about to open the door her dad popped in with a huge smile. 'Oh geez this is something important' NMO thought worriedly. "Guess what, guess what, guess what, GUESS WHAT!" Her dad said all giddy. "What is it, mom." NMO said in annoyance wanting to go back and marry her bed. "Hey don't you ruin mamas day! Today we're moving to JAPAN!" Her dad said happily. "Again? For how long?" She asked slouching her back making a face.  NMO always wanted to stay in Japan forever since most of her friends are over there but her dad's alway stay there for like a day just to shop for merchandise. "We are gonna stay there until you fulfill your destiny!" Her dad said in a serious tone handing her her white chocolate mocha. "What do you mean?" NMO asked. "What I mean is you are gonna go to YOUTUBER HIGH!" He said magically. "What am I supposed to do there? Are my best friends gonna be there?" NMO asked excitedly. They walked out of the room and into the kitchen where NMO's other dad was making bacon pancakes. "Hey Scott tell her what she's destined to be after graduating Youtuber High!" Her dad said. "Oh yea! I totally forgot about her new school. But uh Mitchie do you think she can do it?" Her dad, Scott, said. "Of course she's ready!" Mitch said lifting his short, 16 year old girl. "If you say so my queen, anyways you are gonna be the new SuperFruit! We are a bit old and tried pleasing our worldwide of fans, and we need you. We are gonna retire and spend some more alone time together." Scott said hugging Mitch and giggling when he said alone time. NMO thought about how crazy this all was. How did they even know about Youtuber High? And why didn't they tell me like a week ago? But then again they always wait at the last minute, it's a family thing. "Okay first of all you guys are like 29-31, you Uh had sex way to early when you made me, I hear you two having "alone time" way to much, and second of all people ship you guys so much, and shipping you guys are the fans favorite thing to do! How are your fans gonna ship a girl, who doesn't have a boyfriend, is not a boy who has a dick, and I am not gonna be a lesbian!" NMO yelled not wanting to go to the school. "Oh you act a lot like me when I was your age!" Scott and Mitch said in sync. "You see what I mean!" NMO said back.They thought about it for a second. "Oh yea people do ship us, hmm maybe Uh, does Tyler Oakley have a son?" Mitch asked Scott still thinking. "No but let's ask NMO, whose your crush?" Scott asked her. "Uh-" NMO started but was interrupted by Mitch. "No that won't work what if she's into a gamer? We had nothing to do with gamers. How about that Smosh duo don't they have a son?" Mitch asked Scott. "Hmm yea but maybe-" Scott started but was interrupted by Mitch. "Perfect, you will date their son Uh what's his face?"
"Kendall." Scott said for Mitch.
"Oh yea Kendall, you will date him!" Mitch said with a crooked smile.
"But-but I-I like Jacob" NMO said quietly.
"You like who?" Mitch asked.
"Gaming Lemon's son, Jacob Lemon." She said.
"Pffft I don't even know who that is! Plus a gamer? Really NMO? You are way too gorgeous for those gamers. You need either a hot sexy comedian or a cute smexy looking singer. And Kendall is both!" Mitch said and walked over to NMO's room to pick out an outfit for the trip to Japan. "But I don't like Kendall that much plus doesn't he have a girlfriend name Uh..." NMO tried thinking of a fake name for Kendall's girlfriend. "Kiele!" NMO said. "Hmm he has a girlfriend?... Well then you will have to use my technique that got me Scott away from that bastard, Alex, so get Kiele to cheat on Kendall with... Maxwell, Marzia's son." Mitch said getting NMO's outfit and handing it to her. "What no! Max is like the most innocent guy in the 10-! I will never do that to him." NMO said walking over to her bed and looking at her outfit. It was really cute, Mitch was always great at picking out the right outfit for the right occasion. NMO groaned, knowing that she had to tell Mitch that Kendall doesn't have a girlfriend.
"Oh really? But he looks so HOT! How does he not have a girlfriend? Oh well, now you will have to date him! Isn't that great!" Mitch said fixing my outfit.
NMO chuckled, "Heh yea..." She said sadly looking down. Why can't things change for once? Maybe people will like it better.


Hey bebes!
Sorry if there's like any confusion in the story just please don't whine!
The confusion will end when I write more!
But yea the Youtubers have kids now! Heh... Weird.
But if I am missing any youtubers comment on which ones I have to, positively, absolutely, obviously, and OMG why haven't I!, so I can put them in!
In the next chapter I'll put in all the characters and what youtubers I have so far!
So comment on any requests and I'll gladly do them!
M'kay bye!
NMO.333 12/19/2015❤️💚💜💙💜💛

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