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That picture right there is the cover of my kellic I'm going to be working on. I'll definitely write more of it if I get more views, those are a big encouragement. Also comments and votes, those are good too. Anyways, here ya go!

(Please don't hate me for what I'm gonna do)

Vic's POV

It's Halloween today. A lot has changed since the first time Kellin and I had se.x for the first time. First of all, we've had a lot more se.x since then and Kellin is no where near innocent or hesitant anymore. I kinda feel bad for corrupting him, but not really. And he's a kinky little

Like, seriously. He likes being tied up. He likes being spanked, and he likes it when I practically his face, or just use him for my pleasure. He likes being treated like a fu.cking wh.ore. Whoda thunk?

Also, I met Kellin's family. They're actually pretty cool. Well, his dad is. His other family, the new one, is kinda stuck up. I don't know. They didn't seem to like me, so I don't like them. I sound like a toddler. Oh me.

Oli... well I'm still flirting with him a lot, and he flirts with me too. Even though he saw me and Kellin together! He told me that if I wanted a public relationship, he was available. I have to say, it's tempting. I finally worked up the guts to ask Kellin to go public with me a week ago, and you know what he said?

He said no.

He was all "Sorry, my life is complicated right now. I'm just not ready for that yet." Yet. That's the word people use to string people along. I've given him a deadline of a till Christmas to decide, and if he says no I'll just break it off. And he was fine with it.

Did he not get that that was a great opportunity to say yes?

I guess not. But I'm going to do my best to make him say yes before Christmas. I really, really like Kellin. I want to go public with him, and I don't get why he doesn't. Maybe he doubts me, I guess it would make sense as I am generally viewed as a conceited fu.ckboi.

Whatever. Today Kellin and I are having fun on Halloween. We're not going trick or treating or something like that, but I'm taking him to a Halloween party out of town. I don't really know the host, but they're a friend of a friend who wanted strangers at their party. That way we can act like a couple and not like we hate each other.

I'm not dressing up as anything, I just don't do that I haven't since I still had a mom, before, ya know, she abandoned me. Kellin though? He's dressing up as... wait for it... me. Yup, he's dressing up as yours truly, Victor Fuentes. I think he thinks it's hilarious. It's so not funny, his costume is way off in so many ways. I think he might have done that on purpose. The little

First off, he's wearing all black. Okay, I'm not emo. Sure, I like emo bands, I have a nose ring, I dress a little bit like an emo would dress, and sometimes I do screamo, but that isn't the same as actually being an emo! Second, he is also wearing makeup! I don't wear makeup!

I swear, Kellin hates me. Maybe that is why he doesn't want to go public. Shut up, Vic. That's stupid. To the max, for the win, all of that stuff. Of course he doesn't hate you, you idiot. Right? Oh my god, why am I even thinking about all this? Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.

I hear the ring of my doorbell and I roll my eyes at Kellin. He knows he doesn't have to ring my doorbell, he can come in anytime. I walk to the door, chuckling at Kellin's antics. Still, isn't it a bit early for Kellin to arrive? He said he'd be here at 5:00 P.M, and it's only 4:30 P.M. Whatever.

I open the door to see blue-green eyes. To see black hair. But not Kellin. His father. "Why hello, Mr. Bostwick. What's up?" I say to him, trying to be casual. But the grim expression on his face is worrying me. Is Kellin okay?

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