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So guys, I got over 100 views on this story! I know it isn't really that much, but still thanks so much guys! Remember to read, comment, vote, and enjoy!

Vic's POV

Today was a bad day. One of the worst I've had in awhile. It's been a week since Mr. Iero called Kellin out to the hall. In the last week I managed to insult him a little bit, and he returned the favor. Things were getting back to normal, finally, and everything was more or less looking up.

Then, of course, today everything had to go to he.ll.

It started from the moment I woke up. Mike shook me awake, saying we were already almost thirty minutes late to school. I barely had any time to get ready, causing me to look looke when I got to school.

When I got to school. Did I forget to mention my car broke down half way to school? Mike had chosen to skip today, but I couldn't because I'm soccer captain, and I've gotta be there. I had to walk the rest of he way to school, and halfway there, out of no where, it started pouring. Like, buckets of rain. I was soaked in mere seconds.

They made me sit in the principal's office for the entirety of the rest of first hour and second hour. They thought they were being nice by letting me dry off. Finally, they remembered the nurse has spare clothes in case things like this happen. I practically left puddles on the hallway floor.

Oh, and the crowds in the hallways parted like fu.cking Moses or Noah or whoever the Like I was a disease.

And Kellin Quinn, with his stupid fu.cking mouth, just had to say, "Wow, Fuentes. Really out did yourself today." It wasn't even clever, but people laughed. So I retaliated.

"And even in the state I am you still manage to be way more fu.cking ugly, you really outdid yourself, Bostwick." I said. He had no response, and kids in the crowd went from ooohing at his joke to me to ooohing at my insult to him.

The thing is, he looked really, really hurt. I also heard kids whispering about the whole Bostwick thing. Truth be told, I just know that was his old last name.

As I walked away, I heard him shout after me, "It's Quinn, you fu.cktard!" And once again, people were laughing at me.

At the nurse's office, she kept making little remarks under her breath about stupid teenagers, and just negative little quips about me in general. And the clothes? They were all fugly. None were my size, and there weren't shoes I could borrow. That meant I would make puddles everywhere I walked.

Kellin insulted me every time he saw me for the rest of the day. Thankfully, he's not in many of my classes. Things started looking up in music, when Mr. Iero had a change of clothes for me. I felt like an idiot for not remembering he did that for me.

Also, these clothes made me look hot. So I got to see Quinn fu.cking gape, and I could practically feel him lusting over me. I was feeling pretty smug.

Then, I found out soccer practice was cancelled in the last hour of the day. Something about the fields being too wet and soggy and muddy to use. I cursed, and loud. I had only come to school, which is already a mini hel.l, because of the stupid practice. Now it was cancelled? Ugh.

Sadly, the teacher of my last hour heard me curse. It isn't really that surprising, as I was pretty loud, but still. So, she gave me detention. I had to stay after school doing hard manual labor, when I had already had a he.ll day.

When I got home, Dad was there. He was only there for a few minutes, and we exchanged a few words.

Dad: You need to get your grades up. I got an email from a teacher.

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