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You guys ready to know what's up with Kellin's past? Well, here you go, remember to read, comment, vote, and enjoy!

"Daddy!" The little boy, only three years old, called out to his father. He had just come from work at the air force barracks near by. The little boy's mother was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Spaghetti. She stepped out of the kitchen to see her son jump on her husband, and she smiled. They ate together the child getting food all over his face and high chair. Even though it was a mess, it was beautiful and family. Everything was perfect.

One year later, the boy's birthday passed just a little while ago. He's now running around all the time with day care friends. Funny, be doesn't even remember their names so he just calls them you. His friends distract him so much, he doesn't hardly notice that his dad has been sleeping on the sofa for over two months now.

Another year, and his mother is hardly ever home, spending most of her time with her friends, high off her mind in a club. Most of the times, she forgets she even has a son. The father is too depressed to really take care of his son. He misses his wife, and wants to take back all their arguments. He loves her, but she doesn't love him anymore.

After another year passes, the father has enough. He signs up to be deployed as soon as possible. He is strongly Catholic, and doesn't believe in divorce, but that doesn't mean he has to stay at the house that just hurts him. The son? He cries in his room. Why are mommy and daddy never home? He misses them. Whatever happened?

Six months later, and the father is deployed in Afghanistan. He sends letters to his son and wife frequently. The wife realizes how much she loves him while he's gone, and starts acting like a mother again. Temporarily her friends are forgotten, and her son is cared for.

Until only six more months, and a man shows up on their door. The father was captured. He didn't make it out. The mother cries and cries. She tries to hide what happened from her first grade son. She still wants to protect him. But he's smart, and figures out what happened after he asks why the letter hasn't come from his father in months and his mom just cries.

It's hard to come up with the money needed to pay for the house. The wife figures that out quickly. She tries finding work, but jobs are hard to come by. She does something she swore she'd never do again. She calls her friends.

The give her the money she needs, but take several things. They seem to want more and more as the months go by. After a year, they've taken several things. They took the mother's dignity, her sanity, her prescription pills, her value China, most of the house, and the mother's jewelry. But there was something else they wanted too, more than the others. Because these 'friends' were sick and cruel.

They wanted the son's virginity. And the mother, for the first time in the year, tries to fight her friends. But the mother always was a pushover, this time quite literally. The friends took what they wanted. They wanted the mother to join in after a while. They wanted the mother to hit the son when he bit them.

After a while, when the child was 9, she didn't need her friends or the pills encouragement anymore. She hit her son, r.aped him, starved him, and forced him to hide it. The friends, when the boy was 10, faded from the picture. All the pain that was caused to the poor boy rested on her shoulders.

The boy was miserable. In a tv show he saw his mom watch, a lady commit suicide. He needed escape, so he started making a plan to kill himself. He attempted the suicide at his school, by putting a knife to one of his wrists and slashing deep. It was in the school bathroom, and a child found him and soon an ambulance came.

The boy was saved. When the mother was questioned, she pretended she had no idea why the boy would do such a thing. After all, she always treated him well, at least that's what she said. However, when the boy was well, he told the officials everything.

The mother was arrested. The boy was placed with a new family not far away. He went to counseling all up through middle school and two years of high school. He would sometimes have dreams, or a certain object would cause him to have a flashback.

When the boy was a junior, the mom went back to her home to find her friends there. The mom made them leave. She didn't want to have anything to do with them any more, in prison she realized her errors. She repented heavily. She got some stable job, and fixed up her house. But there was something missing.

She wanted her son. After all, he was her flesh and blood! What did that other family think they were doing, keeping her away from him? After all, she would never do the things she did before. She was a changed woman.

She tried contacting him. She found out his phone number and called him. He never answered, but she left a voicemail. When he listened to it, he blocked the number and tried to block the flashbacks. But he needed counseling for a month to stop the nightmares.

The new mother of the boy told the old mother to stay away. She only hurt him. The mother accepted it, even though she hated it. She really just wanted to take back all those years, go back to when everything was okay and he was a giggling toddler.

But the old mother stayed away. She didn't try to contact him, she really didn't want to hurt her son ever again. But she knew she had to talk to him when she received ground-breaking news.

The father was alive.

A/N Nice cliffhanger, right? Wrong? Oh, whatever. Pfft. Who cares? (I obviously do care)

That's it for now, but be expecting more soon and for awhile because I'm finished with my other story and on winter break from school. Hope y'all liked that!

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