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Two updates in a day?! I'm on fireeeeee! (Low key SWS reference)

Kellin's POV

A week after the... incident with Vic, I was no longer awkward. That day in music I had been a little, but Vic had been back to his di.ckish self, and things were like the were supposed to be. Still, I had kept randomly looking at him, remembering those moments, and he'd catch me staring and fu.cking smirk. That infuriated me, so I easily went from confused to angry, like normal with him.

When I was alone at night and couldn't sleep though, I would let my thoughts wander, and I'd go back to being confused. I didn't let my thoughts wander too far though; once I let them wander to some very inappropriate fantasies, and ended up actually jacking off to the thought of Vic.

"V-vic!" I moaned deeply, and with that I came. After I cleaned up, what I had just done suddenly struck me. I had just touched myself, while thinking of Vic Fuentes, the guy I hate. I was so confused and embarrassed. Thank god that was a Friday night, and I didn't have to see him the next day.

But that Monday in music class, all hell broke lose. I don't know if it was because he had confused me so much, or if it was because it was a Monday, or if it was because I was in a pi.ssy mood, or maybe a combination, but I snapped on Vic.

He was saying his usual insults, nothing particularly special, when he said, "Aw, is Kelly gonna cry?", no, my fists were clenched in anger, not patheticness or sadness, idiot. "Which mommy you gonna go cry to?" my head snapped up. How did he know about my biological mother? How did he know my Mom wasn't my real mom? And how dare he try to use that against me!

I launched myself at him, knocking him down. "I fu.cking hate you so fu.cking much, you!" I screamed at him, hitting and punching every part of him I could reach. He didn't just let himself be hit though; he hit back and screamed at me too. This seemed to be the moment all our years of hating each other had led up to. The moment one of us finally snapped.

That continued on for a few minutes, no one could separate us. It got to the point Mr. Iero stood up on his desk and shouted, "Victor Fuentes! Kellin Quinn! Stop right now unless you want to be expelled!" He was angry. I couldn't blame him, I would be to in his situation.

The last thing I wanted to do was stop hitting Vic, I wanted him to feel as hurt as I did every time he said something even remotely rude to me. I wanted him to suffer. But I didn't want to be expelled. So I stopped, and so did he. He was really red in the face, and was panting, and I bet I was too.

"I want you two to sit outside the classroom, right now. Do not even look at each other," Mr. Iero directed us. I was ok with not looking at Vic, that was actually great with me. We both walked outside the door, and sat on either side of the hall, facing each other but avoiding eye contact, or even looking at the other.

After a minute or so, Mr. Iero came out and closed the door behind him. He sighed when he saw us. "Come over here," he said, standing next to my wall, a little far away from the door. We both did. He rolled his eyes at us, obviously still angry. "Now," he said in a deadly serious voice, "you two have detention till four this afternoon. You'll be working together, cleaning the boys locker rooms." He smirked cruelly at our grimacing faces. Then I remembered something.

"But, Mr. Iero! I have swim practice after school!" I protested. I couldn't miss practice, I was the captain!

"And I have soccer practice!" Vic said. "And I'm the captain! I can not miss a practice, I already don't have very good grades!" Ha, Vic is stupid, I thought. I didn't even feel bad, I was so, so, so very mad at him.

"You two should have thought about that before you decided to get in a fight. Oh," Mr. Iero was radiating sass and anger, "I'm calling both your parents." I groaned audibly. My parents hate violence of any kind, and here I was starting a fight. When I got home it would be hell.

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