Chapter 5

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She's mine

Selena's POV

I woke up with Justin's arms wrapped around me and him snoring softly. I unwrapped his arms from me and quietly got up from the bed. I got dressed and went down into his kitchen.

"Hmm" I hummed, looking through his fridge and cabinets, "what sounds good for breakfast?" I asked myself. Then it came to my mind. I grabbed the stuff to make some waffles, and went over to to the pantry and grabbed his waffle maker. Yum yum yum.

"Mm, starting to smell good baby" Justin said in his low husky voice, which startled me, "sorry baby, didn't mean to scare you" he snaked his arms around my waist kissing my neck and then came up to peck my lips.

"It's okay" I smiled, "you're up early, I expected you to sleep in at least another hour or two" I told him, turning around, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well I noticed you were no longer in my arms so I had to come find you and see what you were up to" he smiled. I turned back around and placed a waffle on a plate.

"Here you go babe" I gave him the plate.

"Thank you beautiful" he smiled, getting the syrup and then sitting at the table.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked him, pouring waffle mix into the waffle maker.

"Well I have a meeting to go to around 2 and then I'm in the studio for a bit" he replied before taking another bite of his waffle.

"Boo, okay" I sighed, "until then, you're all mine right?" I beamed.

"Yes princess" he smiled. I got my waffle and joined him at the table and ate.

Justin's POV

After we ate we ended up on the couch cuddling watching whatever was on tv.

"I'm madly in love with you" Selena randomly said, as she gripped onto me, as if I was her air, "it's the way you smile at me, the way you laugh, the way you bite your lip and how your eyes light up when I'm with you" she paused for a moment, "please don't leave me again, i love you you so much Justin" her words hung there for a minute. She just looked at me.

"Oh baby, trust me, I'm not gonna leave you. I love you so much" I told her, kissing her head. She got up from my embrace and pecked my lips.

"It's almost time for you to go, and I told momma and Brian I'd watch Gracie while they went out for lunch" she threw her hair up and went towards the door, putting her heels on. I got up from the couch walking towards her.

"Okay baby, give Gracie a kiss for me, be careful on your way there, i love you" I told her, giving her a tight hug.

"I love you too" she replied and then she left to her car.

I closed the door behind her and quickly got dressed. Heading out the door as well. First stop, meeting with scooter and Fredo.


Once I arrived at the building I was told to meet them, I was greeted by Fredo.

"Aye man! How's it going?" He asked, giving me a quick bro hug.

"Long time no see" I smiled, "it's going really good".

"I hear you and Selena are back together? Is it true?" He questioned, wiggling his eyebrows which always creeped me out.

"Yeah, it feels great." I told him, thinking about my baby made me smile. I can't wait to see her again. "Where's scooter?".

"Oh yeah, he's running late, surprisingly." He mumbled. Scooter is never late for meetings. "So anyways tell me man, what's it like being in love? Like being in a relationship you and Selena have, isn't it tough?" He asked.

"Well I fell in love with my best friend. That's the best way to do it. Shit I knew i was in love with her when all the nervousness talking to her went away" I smiled thinking back to the beginning of our relationship, "not forgetting all the times I've lost sleep talking to her at night. She became my everything man. And I know I don't show that a lot. But she's the reason I stopped doing the shit I was doing. Shes my world, my drug and I'm addicted to her. I can't go long without talking to her. She's the same way too. When I'm in a bad mood, she's my pick up. Just looking at her makes me smile. Being in love is a great thing because you have this person who has literally seen you at your worst and still decides to be with you. That's rare man. She's seen sides of me no one has ever seen before. Shit hits you harder when you're in love with a girl Fredo. I'm always amazed because she loves me for me. It's honestly a great feeling, believe me".

"Awh that's so cute Justin" I heard a girls voice echo. Great.

"Oh hey Hailey" I fake smiled. Me and Hailey did have a 'thing' for a while but I cut it off because I knew I didn't like her I just liked the attention she gave me which distracted me from me and Selena's break up.

"I didn't know you and Selena were back together?" She made her way past me and sat on a chair.

"Yeah, we only told family and close friends" I rolled my eyes. Why does she have to be here right now. I'm not in the mood for whatever crap she has up her sleeve. Did I forget to mention she's really clingy too? No? Well she is.

"Sorry I'm late guys, let's get the meeting started" scooter barged in, thank god.

Selena's POV

I had just put Gracie down for a nap when i received a message from Ashley. A picture message. I opened it up and it was Hailey Baldwin looking at the camera while Justin was next to her smiling at something in front of them, the caption "hanging with this guy".

My stomach dropped. Did he lie about having a meeting?  Did he just tell me that to meet up with her? Oh god please don't let this be true. My eyes began to water but I quickly wiped them, telling myself not to cry over it.

A couple hours passed and mom and Brian came home and so I left to go home. Once I got there I just dropped on the couch and bawled my eyes out. I'm not ready for another heart break. I just can't.

"Baby are you home?" I heard. I snapped up and wiped my face and tried to get whatever makeup smeared under my eyes off.

"What?" I croaked. Damn. What a fail. It was Justin. He walked towards me with concern in his eyes.

"Selena, what happened? Baby why are you crying?" He crouched down by me, grabbing my hands, lacing them with his.

"Did you lie to me about the meeting to hang out with Hailey? Are you hiding something from me?" I sobbed.

"What? How'd you know she was with me?" He asked surprised. I opened my phone to the picture of her and him. "Man, what the fuck Hailey" he muttered. "Selena, no I didn't lie to you, I did have the meeting, she showed up randomly for god knows why, I didn't want her to be there she's annoying as fuck to me, baby I'm sorry if you thought I was cheating. You can even ask Fredo and scooter. I promise baby" he told me, wiping my tears away from my face. Once I calmed down, he came and joined me on my couch. "Baby smile for me, please?" He asked. I smiled for him and he took a picture of me. "Perfect" he smiled down at his phone.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, why did he take a picture of me? Once he finished doing whatever he was doing he handed me his phone. He was on Instagram and it showed that he had posted a photo. Of me.

@justinbieber: guys this is my beautiful girlfriend. I love her, and she means everything to me.

The caption read.

"Now they all know you're mine and I'm yours" he pulled me towards him. We just cuddled there, enjoying each other.

"You could hurt me very easily, you know" I whispered.

"You could easily do the same to me" he replied.

Authors note:
I think this chapter is kind of cute^_^ anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Just a couple more days till Christmas!

Have you guys seem Selena's music video for Hands to myself?!? It's fucking hot. She never fails to amaze her fans ugh. I love her so much lol.


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