chapter 12: Impossible Promises

Start from the beginning

His large brown desk sat at the head of the room. Behind it, a large window and near it was a large lether couch. The desk was cluttered with papers but what grabbed my attention was the assortment of C.Ds and player on one of the shelfs. I went through them until I found one I liked, or liked how the outside cover looked that is, seeing that most of them were in what I assumed to be Italian.

Popping the disk out of its hard cover, I placed it into the play and pressed on the play button. Classy and elegant classical music flowed through the room, creating a soft and romantic atmosphere that contradicted with the stern demeanor of the office. A strident yet gentle voice sang with the tune in a beautiful yet foreign language.

I let the music swamp over me as I felt my legs move on their own accord. I twirled and and danced to my hearts content, letting loose a couple of giggles here and there. The music was enchanting, it's soft beautiful melody playing in the back round as I closed my eyes and drempt of being a carefree women, dancing with the man of my dreams in a large ballroom where everyone dressed in classy evening wear and the food being served on dainty platters. A big chandelier located in the center of the celling and everyone under it danced with grace and unison. A tall, dark yet modish man dancing with me.

My body twisted and turned in every direction, although the office wasn't as large or vast as the other rooms, it was still a big room with a decent amount of free space that was now occupied by my bizarre dancing. Sudenlly my leg collided with the wood of what I presumed was the large desk. I abruptly turned as my body fell towards the hardwood floor that was lucky covered with a large deep beige colored rug. My hands flew out to catch myself and my hip met the floor. I groaned as my head also made its descent due to the impact of the fall.

Flipping onto my back, I looked up at the bland celling while I slightly panted from all the dancing I had done. The music had faded down before another one sounded, blaring like the first. Sighing, I made a move to get up but my leg hit the desk again and a black envolope came tumbling down and landed on my belly. My name was scrawled onto the back in silver ink, making the letter appear eery and mysterious, although it already was.

The first thought that came to mind was, of course, Dean. But I tried not to worry to much, it might just be something from my dad. Although it was highly unlikely, I wanted to consider it just so I would muster up the courage to actually open it and check. I ripped open the side of the envelope and emptied out its contents.

Luck is what happens when preperation meets opportunity.

A white letter fell out and I unfolded it, reading the sleek black ink etched onto the thin white paper.

You're getting strong and brave, working out and learning how to handle a gun. For that I applaud you. However, you have also managed to kill two of my men or three with the help of that Morello bastard. For that I am dissapointed in you. You have a week, or lover boy is a thing of the past, a distant memory. Meet me at the large house on the end of 44th Street. Come alone, he lives, come with help, no more lover boy. After all every bad deed deserves punishment.
- Love your dear friend, Dean.

The letter dropped from my shaky hands as I grabbed a smaller stack of hard paper that was hidden inside it. Frantically yet fearfully, I peeled away all the surrounding paper.

Photos of one of my close friends, Christian cartson, sat in my hands. I flipped through them. There were ones of him and I about a year ago at the garden cafe, enjoying two cappuccinos. And a couple of us at our college campus. The stack also Included some recent ones, ones without my presence. Tears gathered up in my eyes and a couple escaped, I angry wiped at them while bitting my lips to silence my sobbing.

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