"I'll try to keep that in mind." I said, looking at the water below us. It was silky and calm. For a brief moment I wondered who that girl was that without thought agreed to this. That wasn't the typical me.

"On 3." Neymar said, squeezing my hand. "1... 2..."

"Here goes nothing." I said.


For just one second it felt like I was weightless. And then I dove, feet first and before I knew it I was in the sea. I opened my eyes below water and saw Neymar submerged next to me.

The water was colder than I expected but it made me feel awake.

"Did you like it?" Neymar asked me when I emerged.

I chuckled. "It was fun." I conceded.

He approached me and was just about to kiss me, when I tackled him underwater and pushed him down. He was quick to fight back, dragging me down with him.

"Oh you wanna be like that?" He asked, spraying me with water. "Two can play at this game!" He said as I swam away from him.

We stayed in the water long enough for my hands to start wrinkling when Neymar asked me if I wanted to go back up.

"Wanna jump again?" He asked after we got towels to dry off. "Okay, okay, not again." He said after seeing the look I gave him.

We settled on the top deck again and had lunch. It was a beautiful day and the sun made me happy. We usually spent all our time together hiding and it felt good to be out in the sun together.

I hadn't even realized what a difference it would make. I just felt lighter and I suspected he felt the same way because it made a difference in his behavior. He seemed more relaxed and content than I had ever seen him. Like the World Cup and our problems were a million miles away.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked me and I realized he was watching me watch him.

"No reason. I'm just thinking it's kind of nice. Sitting here like this."

"Yes. It absolutely is." He said and wrapped me in a hug.

"But..." I started.

He sighed. "Why does there have to be a but? Always."

"There doesn't have to be..." I said, trying to get my thoughts in order. "It's just that we have to go back and that means go back into hiding."

"I know baby. And I hate this too. You just have to hang in there for a little while longer. We both do. And then when the World Cup is over we won't have to worry about it anymore." He said, looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to agree.

"Neymar when the World Cup is over we won't be together anymore."

"You don't know that."

"But I do. I'm leaving."

"It's summer. I don't have to go to Barcelona for another month. I'll come with you."

"And then what? We get one more month and then you'll be across the globe from me."

"So what do you suggest?" He snapped at me. "Break it of now and save ourselves the pain?"

"I think we're past that. And no, of course not." I said, taking his hand in mine. "It's just... I don't know how not to think about it. I don't know how to shut the thoughts out of my mind. It makes me nervous, so I'm always nervous now."

Instead of saying anything he kissed me lightly and I tried to push the thought out of my mind. It wasn't easy.


"Hey, I forgot to ask you, did your brother call you back? Are we meeting them later?" Neymar asked as he came out of the bathroom, drying his hair in a towel.

"Yeah he did. Unfortunately they are not here. They're up in Fortaleza, I'm forgetting about which game."

"That's too bad. I thought we could take the yacht out again. Or not." He said when he saw me roll my eyes at him. "I'm sure our paths will cross again. Especially if we make it to the finals. I really want to see that girl Haley again." He said.

Once the words registered in my brain I took the pillow closest to me and threw it at him. He caught it in the air, an amused expression on his face. "You don't like that, ha?"

"I don't like it one bit." I told him, looking up at him.

He stared at me for a second, focusing on my face. "I would be an idiot to mess this up." He said, pointing his finger at me and then himself. "I'm not an idiot.

"Good." I told him. "So, we have the evening to ourselves."

"And for the first time, we are finally truly alone." He added taking a step towards me.

"Do you know when Alex and Rafaella will be back?" I asked him.

"Not for a few hours." He said, finally standing in front of me.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down. "Good."

Dark Moves Of Love ~ Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now