My Mate.

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My name is Jordan Wilson. I'm a vampire, I'm 19 and I haven't found my mate yet. I'm a prince.

I was in the forest when I smelt the most amazing thing ever blueberries. A human.

Following the scent I saw a girl fall and a werewolf jumped on top of her. I rushed over and took the wolf off her, she was frightened and I snapped the wolf's head.

Facing the girl again, I could see fear in her eyes, but immediately she vanished. Hearing a sound behind me I spun around quickly and saw her. I used vampire speed and when I hugged her, I knew then and there she was my mate.

I felt sparks, and she's a werewolf I could smell it in her blood. Looking down I realized that she was injured and bruised badly. She was only in her shorts.

I ran all the way home with her bridal style in my arms. I took her up to my room and played her on my bed. After changing her clothes and dressing her wounds.

I could see that she was beaten very badly, that's when her eyes fluttered open.

Angel's POV

Whatever I'm on is so soft, I don't ever want to wake up. I wanna dream. Slowly opening my eyes I stared up at a orange ceiling.

Suddenly, I remember being attacked. I jumped up suddenly bringing back a terrible headache. Looking down I also realized that I was in a basketball T-shirt and boxers.

I had this sudden feeling that I'm being watched. Slowly turning my head I saw a boy sitting next to me. I panicked again and teleported myself from the bed till I'm leaning against the wall. At the same time I also caused objects in the room to fly around.

"Who are you? Where am I ? What did you do to me? Where are my clothes?" I rambled.

"Just calm down love. I saved your life. I promise I won't hurt you." He said in a gentle voice and I took the time to take in his features.

He was wearing a black pants, black hair, red eyes , sun kissed skin and rock hard abs. He looked like a model that came to life out of a magazine.

Wait a minute, he wasn't wearing a shirt. I must really look funny staring at his body.
"He's our mate and he's just hot. You know what he's like a Greek sex God!" Star squealed in my head.

"My name is Jordan. What's yours?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm Angel."
Then I smelt Hazel nuts. It was him. Mate.

Taking slow steps towards me, holding my gaze he gently bent his head and captured my lips with his. I felt my chest erupt with tickles.

Wrapping his large hands around my small body and pulled me towards him. My hands found their way to his neck rubbing small circles.

He left a trail of kisses and stopped at my neck and inhaled my scent.

"I Jordan Wilson, the vampire prince accept you Angel as my mate, princess and mother of my children." He mumbled against my neck.

"I accept you as my mate, prince and father of my children." I said.

We stood in the same position when he asked .

"What happened to you? You know, the scars?"

I stiffened up and I'm sure he felt it. Now it'll be best to tell him everything.

Abused And Saved By My Vampire Mate. Now I'm Out For Revenge.Where stories live. Discover now