We need your help.

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Angels POV

I was in bed with Jason after a day filled with pranks. I just couldn't sleep. Glancing at the clock on my left it said 1:00 a.m.

I groaned a little, not wanting to wake Jason I quickly teleported myself to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Angel don't scream. I need to talk to you." A voice whispered in the dark.

"Who are you?" I asked not showing fear.

"My name is Anoya and I'm the moon Goddess." The feminine voice said.

Hearing those words I bowed my head.
"What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Angel you are a great person, but I need you to stop a war that is bound to happen two months from now. And Dark Knight pack is behind this. They really crossed the line. Please we need your help."

"I'll do it. But what exactly are they after?"

"Do you know the sword of the Gods its real?" The goddess said.

I nodded my head and she continued.
" This sword holds the powers of  four Gods, me, Zeus, Athena and Poseidon. The sword is kept in the Enchanted Forest up north. Dark Knight pack wants that sword to kill all the Gods and you."

"With all due respect what is my connection with the sword?"

"Angel your a God. You are the grand daughter of Poseidon which means you control water. Dark Knight tend to use that sword to control earth. You alone will have to do this fight and don't worry I'll protect everyone including Jason. But now you need to rest."

Hearing the word rest my eyes were getting heavy and before I knew it I was back in bed and allowed to be taken over by darkness.

*next day*

Jason's POV

Angel to us what happened to her last night. Now we really have to train her even more.

Abused And Saved By My Vampire Mate. Now I'm Out For Revenge.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant