"Ew, Luke you smell." I laughed, wiggling out of his arms. He rolled his eyes, letting go of me and looking at me waiting for a response.

"Of course I had fun. You guys are great." I smiled, Ashton coming over to give me a hug after talking to Jack. I shook my head, quickly ducking down to dodge him.

"Can you guys go take showers first?" I scrunched my face up.

The guys glanced at each other and before I could process anything, four guys ran at me pulling me into the middle of an extremely sweaty group hug.

"Jack! Save me," I yelled over dramatically, attempting to wiggle my way out. Jack just smirked, holding up someone's phone and snapping a quick picture. I narrowed my eyes at him before finally being real eased form the group hug.

The guys laughed and ran off down the hallway, hopefully to shower. I turned to Jack, "That was disgusting."

The two of us began heading down the hallway the guy's had just disappeared down. Just as we approached the dressing room, Ashton came rushed out. His wet curly hair splashed us as he ran by.

At least he's clean.

"What was that?" I questioned, walking into the room. Michael looked just as happy as Ashton as he stood there shrugging on his coat.

"Meg and Amy are here," Calum explained, rolling his eyes. "Well, here in New York. We have to go pick them up."

Jack and I slowly nodded out heads, Michael, Calum, and Luke escorted us out of the room and down the hall.

"I'm going to see my girlfriend," Michael sang, "La-la-la!"

"Relationships," Luke groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up Mikey, no one like you." Calum added.

"My girly friend likes me," Michael pouted, his arms crossed as he pretended to angrily stomp away from us.

The four of us followed Mikey outside to where Ashton was waiting inside a limo. Why we couldn't just bring a regular car was a question I didn't have an answer to until I got inside and saw there were to security guards in there. And apparently more security waiting at the airport.

Ashton had the biggest smile on his face the whole car ride, he was so happy I was tempted to ask for my phone back, it seemed like a good time. But instead, I just stayed quiet, trying to turn to look out the window well wedged between Luke and Jack.

When we pulled up to the airport Ashton and Michael stumbled from the car and ran up to the two girls standing by the airport door well security guards hurried their hugging sessions along.

The four of us go out to go greet Amy and Meg as well.

"Hi guys," Amy smiled, giving each of us a hug.

We all slipped back into the limo after the girl's luggage had been set in the trunk. I tried my best to keep my eyes open as we headed to some burger restaurant right outside the city.

I successfully managed not to fall asleep the whole way there.

Jack and I stood in the back of the group as we entered the restaurant. They immediately took us to a table, even though the place was pretty full. After sitting around the long table and talking extremely loudly, we ordered our food.

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