I stood up and started toward the door, all of my tiredness vanishing.

I opened the door, then walked across the hall. My fist came in contact with Harry's door. It swung open and revealed Harry, his face flushed.


"Yes, Niall."

I shoved my phone in his hands.
"Read this."

He furrowed his eyebrows while reading it, then they flew upward and a smirk formed on his face as he continued on.

He looked up when he was finished and handed my phone back to me.

"Wow. It seems we have stumbled upon something we shouldn't have." He said, the smirk not leaving his face.

"She wrote it, but never deleted it. I went into the bathroom and came back out, and she was on my phone. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but I knew she wasn't up to something bad. I figured she was just taking pictures or something. But I don't understand how she got my passcode.."

"I gave it to her," Harry started.
"I mean, you know hers so I gave her yours."

I just chuckled and shook my head.

"Really? Was she that intimidating?"


"Harry, she's four inches shorter than me. You're like 8 inches taller than her."

He just shook his head and smiled.

"She's gotta get her info somehow." He said before politely kicking me out of his suite.

I padded across the hall and into my own suite before closing the door and walking over to the telly.

I plopped on the couch and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I went to my contacts and texted Bree.

Me: hey, what's Ashley's #

Bree: um why should I tell you.

Me: cause you love harry.

Bree: stfu asshole. But anyway, sure.

She sent it in another message and I saved her number in my contacts and composed a new text.

Me: hey :)

Ashley: da fuq. Who is this.

Me: Niall.

Ashley: ohohohohoh. Okay.

Me: whatcha doin

Ashley: sitting around bc I'm not tired anymore :)))))))))))

Me: Imu

Ashley: you know its spelled and pronounced 'emu' right

Me: wtf no. That means I miss you.

Ashley: oh. Well then imut

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