twenty five.

841 24 10

Harry's POV


Of all places, the paps decided to come here. In a small town and in a bloody mall where it would take longer to lose them.

I tightened my grip on Bree's hand and pushed through five bulky men with cameras.

"Harry is this your new girlfriend?"

"Harry who is she?"

They were shouting questions at us as Bree kept her head low and held onto my hand for dear life.

I walked faster and we eventually made it toward the doors and I pushed them open. The annoying men continued to follow us through the parking lot.

We reached my Range Rover and climbed in. I jammed the key into the ignition, and it roared to life.

"EXCUSE ME!" I yelled out the window as I threw it into reverse. I don't really want to get caught in a lawsuit because an idiot got run over when I was trying to leave.

"No! You have to say it like this." Bree said while rolling her window down.

"MOVE OR WE'LL HIT YOUR SORRY ASSES!" she screamed at them.

They immediately backed up, and so did we. I put it in drive and drove out of the parking lot.

"Well that's one way of handling it." I said to her.

"Well hey, you gotta do whatcha gotta do." She smiled.

I really liked her. She wasn't too tall or too short and her shoulder length blonde hair was just her style. She could be shy, but outgoing at the same time. She was just... Bree.

I didn't notice I was staring at her until she yelled at me.

"Shit, Harry! My car is at the mall."

"Is it really that important?"

"Um, yeah! Its my transportation!" She said, annoyed.

"I'll get you a new one."

"I don't want a new one. I want mine." She answered, not willing.

I turned the vehicle onto the right road and we went back toward the mall.
Ashley's POV

I exited the small café and saw a group of people walking toward it. I didn't really care, so I kept walking.

I have to go back to my house so that I can eat dinner with my family. Then I can talk to Will for several hours into the morning like I usually do, then sleep half of the day.

Fantastic routine, I know.

I walked out to my car and started it, then drove out of the lot.

While driving down the street I thought about Harry and Bree. They kept looking at each other like they knew something that I didn't. I know Bree wouldn't hide anything from me, so I guess I shouldn't worry about it.

I finally pulled into my driveway and walked up the steps and into my house. My mom had made my favorite meal and welcomed me in as I opened the door.

My family and I shared small talk as we ate together at the table. As we finished up, my mom gave my gifts and I started to tear them open.

After I got done opening my gifts, it was about 8:30. I'd said goodnight to my parents afterward because I knew I wouldn't be coming back downstairs until the next morning. As i climbed up the stairs, I became more and more drowsy.

After i opened the door to my room, I sat on my bed and started my message to Will.

Me: heyyyyy. I'm baaackk.


I decided to just sleep on it because he usually replies on the dot.

I turned off my light and snuggled into my comforter, hoping to hear from Will.
*the next morning*

I woke up to the sound of my mom's car leaving. She usually goes grocery shopping on Saturdays, so I'm not surprised.

After unplugging it from my charger, I unlocked my phone and saw that I didn't have any new messages.


Me: Will?

He was being really distant and I couldn't stand it. I missed my 4 am conversations with him. I miss trying not to laugh so hard that I wake up my parents. I miss just knowing he was there.

After about 20 minutes, my phone buzzed.

Will: I'm sorry. I love you. Goodbye, ash.

Me: what? Will? Where are you going?

There was no reply and I started to panic.

This must be some kind of joke. He wouldn't leave me, would he?

Me: Will, I love you so much. Please don't leave me.

Still nothing.

The tears threatened to stream down my face as I continued typing.

Me: please don't leave me, Will. I need you.
A/N: aaaaaaaand that's where the title of the book comes in. In the next couple of chapters, things will be getting intense, so be ready. xo- a.h

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