ten [edited]

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"SO YOU GUYS ARE DATING?" Jihae squealed

The 3 girls, Jihae and her sister and shinji were now in sitting in their pyjamas while pigging out at the same time

"Yes, wait no, I mean, ugh I don't really know" Shinji said hiding her face on one of the pillows

"What do you mean you don't know?" Sora, Jihae's sister asks

"We haven't exactly put a label between us, I don't know" Shinji mutters

"So like you guys aren't official?" Sora says

"Yeah, we aren't." Shinji sighs looking at her phone

"Do you want it to be official?" Jihae asks

"What kind of question is that Jihae of course she does!" Sora states

"Shut up! You're not Shinji!!" Jihae says sticking her tongue out

"Well, do you?" She asks again

"Well, Wonwoo is cute, sweet, cute, i don't know yes?" Shinji says

"You said cute twice" Sora points out

"Shut up" Shinji says

Making the two laugh

"well why don't you just ask him?" Jihae asks

"I don't want to appear clingy, plus we just started so..." Shinji trails off

"True" the two replied

"So Mingyu asked me to meet him tomorrow" Shinji says



"Yeah" Shinji replies

"So are you?" Sora asks

"Well, yeah.." Shinji replies

"Are you guys in good terms?" Jihae asks

"Well yeah we talked it out last summer" Shinji states

"Just be careful" Sora says

"Of course, Of course" Shinji says

The 3 then started to watch a movie, while watching Jihae and Sora starts to fall asleep leaving Shinji wide awake and bored.

She picks up her phone from beside her. She was about to text Wonwoo when, he already sent a message

are u awake?

yup~ i was just about to txt u!

too bad i beat you to it, i told you shinji i always win 😉

yeah whatever 😛

so what're you guys up to?

nothing they're already asleep :((

aww poor baby :(

what about u? why are u still up?

i got a little hungry..

of course you did 😂😂

do u wanna take a walk ?

at this hour???

well yeah why not? are u scared ? 😈😈

no??? maybe?😝😝

don't worry shinji i'll protect youu🙌

meet u in 5 be ready babe :)

In less than 5 minutes Wonwoo was already outside. Shinji puts on her hoodie and opens the door to be greeted by a good looking Wonwoo.

ok shinji, control your feels. it's just wonwoo. Ok no, i cant bye

Wonwoo was wearing a grey hoodie and sweat pants with his hair slightly dishelved

"Hey" Wonwoo smiles

"Hi" Shinji breathes out

"Why do you look so flustered?" Wonwoo chuckles

"It's cold?" Shinji says but it comes out as an question making Wonwoo laugh lightly

"ready?" He asks

"Wouldn't it be a bit dangerous?" Shinji asks

"Nah, this subdivision is well supervised, plus all the street lights are like really bright." Wonwoo says

"Well okay then" Shinji says

"Hey Wonwoo" She says

"Hmm?" He said

"How come you live with your grandma?" She asks

Wonwoo remains quiet, he bit his lip and looked at the petite girl beside him

"You don't have to answer if it's a touchy subject, sorry for asking that" Shinji says blushing a little

"No, it's okay, you have to know eventually" Wonwoo says taking her hand with his

"You see, my dad died when I was 9 years old, and well, after that my mum, she had to work in a different country in order for me to well, go to school and eat" Wonwoo says slowly

Shinji squeezes his hand a little and looks up at him

"She- she just left me with grandma, and well, she hadn't come back since..." Wonwoo sighs

"Were you, uhm, close with your dad?" Shinji asks

"Not really, because, I usually don't see him, it'sㅡ well, he was always working, he'd go home at dawn, so I never really get to see him that much, because I'd go to school in the morning and when I come back he's working again" he says

"I guess I'm closer to my mum than him, but ever since she left, I had this feeling towards her.." he sighs

"resentment?" She asks

" I don't know, maybe.. I guess a little bit of betrayal? I mean like she was the only one I could lean on and I waited" he pauses

"I waited, but she never came back" he said quietly

"I guess that's why I don't let myself get close to people, because, I'm scared they'll end up leaving and never coming back" he says closing his eyes

Shinji lets go of his hand and wraps her arm around his torso

Wonwoo looks down at her smiles

"I'll always be here for you Wonwoo, always" Shinji says

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