four [edited]

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"Mingyu! Wait! What's wrong?? What exactly is your problem" Shinji asked as she tried to keep up with Mingyu's pace. He abruptly stops and faces her angrily

"You know what's wrong?! EVERYTHING! My problem?! YOU, YOU'RE MY PROBLEM" he said raising his voice

Startled, Shinji backed away in fear

"What did I do?-- I.." She couldn't finish her words as the tears started blurring her vision

"You know what? Why don't we just stop this, whatever this is that's going on between us" He said and walked away.


Turns out that day, Mingyu's family was on the brink of bankruptcy and it was taking a toll on him. He later apologized to her, but poor Shinji still couldn't find the will to erase it from her head. Although she had grown up and found the heart to forgive him, she still can remember that very moment.

      Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone who flicked her arm. She whips her head to the person beside her.

   "What the hell?"

  "What were you thinking about?"

   "Stuff to do"

    Wonwoo clicked his tongue and went back to writing notes on his notebook

Shinji looked at him and it was actually the first time he was this close to her in class so she took it as a chance to study him a little.
    For a guy he had slightly big eyes, pale milky skin, he had quite a long neck, kind of rounded ears, slightly plump lips and he had an ear piercing with no stud on, He didn't have that big of a body but he had great height.
   Jeon Wonwoo, is truly a very attractive guy, his quiet and dark aura has people getting the wrong idea of him, even though he just doesn't want people in his way and he used violence to do that. He bit his lip as he tried to copy everything on his notebook. He looks really good, Shinji thought. His head suddenly flicked to my direction and he smiled

   "Done checking me out? And thanks you look really good too" He said cheekily

  "W-what? What are you talking about? You're weird!" She said

   Freaking out and started writing down notes just as an excuse to cut of their conversation with Wonwoo. He smiled obviously amused and went back to copying notes.

  "Okay Class that'll be all for today, goodbye" the teacher said and went out.

Everybody started scrambling around to get out of the classroom. Shinji put her notebook inside her bag and slings it on her shoulder ready to go out when a hand grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Heading off to lunch?" She said looking at him weirdly

"Right. Uhm, do you want to uh, would you like to accompany me this lunch?" He asked looking around trying to avoid her eyes. Shinji found this really cute so she smiled.

"Sure why not?" She said

   The two went out of the classroom and saw the empty hall, Wonwoo tried to go to the other side so she stopped him

   "Uh what are you doing the cafeteria is this way?" She said

"I got a better place where you don't even need to wait in line" he smiled and grabbed her hands as they walked to the place.

They soon arrived to a small dining area, it was quiet, not eery quiet but calm and peaceful quiet. The smell of brewed coffee filled up the whole area. There wasn't much people, maybe only 2-4 people were there.

Wonwoo proceeded to the counter, Shinji followed behind him and an middle aged woman greeted them.
She had short shoulder cut hair, the bags under her eyes were barely noticeable because of her heavy concealer and she had a warm motherly smile.

"Wonwoo! How are you dear? You haven't been in here for quite a while" she said

"I've been well, sorry I was just busy this past week" He said

"Ahh, I see, Oh! Hello dear! Wonwoo why didn't you introduce me to your friend??" She said as she saw me standing behind him

"Right, uhm, this is Yoo Shinji, Shinji, this is Mrs. Lee" he said
Shinji bowed and smiled at the woman

"So what can I get you two?" She asked

"Just the usual for me, what do you want to eat Shinji?" He asked looking down at me

"I'd like to try your special Kimchi Fried Rice" Shinji said

"Okay! I'll just serve it up, you kids go sit" she said

They sat on an empty booth and looked at eachother

"This place is nice" Shinji said

"Yeah, it's so peaceful isn't it?" He said looking around

"Yup, so I'm guessing you've been here a couple of times?" She asked

"Yeah it's like a second home to me" he chuckled


"You know you never told me about yourself" He said

  " I told you there's really nothing to tell,  I'm not that interesting" She mutters

  "It's ok, just tell me about yourself"  he replied

"Well, I'm Yoo Shinji, I like to watch cartoons, my favourite colour is Blue, I don't like eggplants, I like wearing sweaters, reading books and I'm really organized when it comes to stuff. My birthday is on September, I like pizza a lot, I used to play the piano" She stated quickly

   "See that was easy wasn't it?" He teased making her roll her eyes jokingly

  "Here you guys go! Kimchi Fried Rice and your usual Bulgogi Rice Topping" The woman said placing the plates on our table

  "Thank you" Shinji said

  She was about to grab her wallet and give the money to Wonwoo so she can pay when the woman stopped her

    "No no, it's okay, it's on the house. So enjoy!" She smiled and walked away

They both ate in silence and soon enough finished their food.

"Ah that was nice" Wonwoo stated

"Yeah, I'm full now"

"Shall we get going?"

"Yeah let's go"

   They went to the woman and bowed to say thank you and headed off back to the Campus.

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