one [edited]

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She was sitting on the bed, phone in hand scrolling and opening and closing an app simultaneously.

Shinji was completely bored.

   She threw her phone at the end of her bed and close her eyes in frustration, until her phone made a sound. Lazily, she reached for it, fiddling to get it open.

    Her eyebrows knitted together as she saw an unknown message.

   +86347201945: idk if you still remember me but, hi :)

   +82103345683:  Hi? Who's this?

  +86347201945: Do you remember me?

+82103345683: How am I supposed to remember you? I don't even know you???

  +86347201945: Ouch. I'm your ex - boyfriend. :/

She looked at the text in horror, last time she checked she never had a boyfriend before.

   +82103345683: excuse me?? look i think you got the wrong number.

  +86347201945: Yoo Shinji right?

   +82103345683: Who are you???

  +86347201945: I told you, your ex boyfriend.

  +82103345683: yeah, i think you got the wrong number.

  +86347201945: your Jihae's friend right?

   +82103345683: wtf who are you? you know what i'm blocking this number.

   +86347201945: woah, chill. it's me wonwoo.

   +82103345683: wonwoo? Jeon wonwoo???

   +86347201945: yupp.

Shinji then changed the number's name to Wonwoo, so she won't forget and continued typing.


How the hell did you get my number??

I have my ways ;)

What do you want?

Woah can't a guy just make friends?

Last time I checked you didn't really like people from school?

Who said I didn't like people from school?

you avoid everyone like the plague?

well true, but I like you and you're from school so ;)

look i don't have time for this, go prank a different person.

chill. look i'll stop messing with u.

Fine, but seriously this is weird, what do you rlly want from me?

Damn girl, can't a guy just make friends?

You're kind of idk off limits?

Jeez am I that bad? 😂

You punched a dude in gym class because he accidentally threw the ball in your direction.

hey! in my defense i was just trying to protect myself. i could've gotten hurt.

wtf you saw it coming! You even caught the ball.

oh wells his fault not mine. lol
anyway, i gtg talk to you later ;)

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