nine [edited]

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"What time is it?" Shinji asked looking up at Wonwoo, they were currently in her house just watching TV

"3:45 why?" Wonwoo replied

"Nothing, just asking" She said

"You know we skipped school two days in a row" he chuckled

"Shut up, my mum is gonna kill me if she knows" She said rubbing her face

"If she knows what?"

They turn around and saw Shinji's mum

"Mom!" Shinji exclaimed standing up upbrutly pushing wonwoo off the sofa

"Shinji!" her mom exclaimed

"Good Afternoon Mrs. Yoo" Wonwoo says as soon as he stood up

"Good afternoon...?" Shinji's mum trailed off

"Uhm Mum this is, Wonwoo, my friend he and I are partners for our project!" Shinji said

"Uh yes Mrs. Yoo we are, we were just taking a break" Wonwoo added

"Partners huh, well I'm Hyelin, it's nice to meet you Wonwoo" she smiled

"So... Mum, why are you here so early?" Shinji asked

"Oh, I just came to drop off some money and food for you" She said

"Really? Thanks!" Shinji smiled

"Of course, well I have to go now, it was nice meeting you Wonwoo, I'm really sorry but I have to go but I hope you can come by again to have a proper meal soon" Shinji's mum stated

"Of course, I understand" Wonwoo said politely

"Oh and Shinji can I talk to you for a sec"

"Uhm of course, excuse us Wonwoo" Shinji replied

"Yeah Mom?" Shinji asked

"Here, use my card to get some food, is he your boyfriend?" Shinji's mum wiggled her eyebrows

"No! Oh my god Mum" she said

"Oh shut up, you guys looked comfy before I came in" her mum laughed

Shinji rolled her eyes

"Just becareful mmkay? We don't want you to flood our house with your tears" she joked

"Yes mum I will" Shinji replied

Her mum was about to step out of the door when she turned back around

"Oh and Shinji, he's a very handsome boy, nice catch hun" her mum said

"MOTHER!" Shinji exclaimed as her mother laughed

Shinji walked back to the living room and sat beside Wonwoo

"What'd she say?" He asked

"She told me you were too ugly to be my boyfriend " She joked

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