11: The cry

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Sin and I sat on the sofa eating our beanless stir fry. It was really bad. Everything was burnt. I have no idea how we managed to do that but we did. Surprisingly, nothing was awkward between us since our talk. In fact it felt like a lot had been lifted off my shoulders. I think Sin felt the same way.

"What's the time?"

"Ummmm-" I pulled out my cell phone. "Eleven pm. Crap, my phones dying." I turned it off.

"Sorry, no chargers down here. Just batteries."

"Phone batteries?" I asked hopefully.

"Sadly not."


Out of nowhere there was a large crash. I was suddenly on high alert. Everything was briefly silent. I felt my heart jump up to my throat. Sin stood up quickly and skimmed lightly over to the wall. He unhooked, and threw me a machine gun. I caught it easily, thanks to my quick reflexes. We waited about four seconds, the air filled with silent, dripping tension. Then we heard what confirmed put fears.

The cry.

The cry of a Partial about to attack.

Authors note- Oh no they have been discovered. At least they have guns. Will that be enough though?

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