16: Hospital

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I woke to a steady beep... beep... beep meaning I was still alive. I sat up wincing at the pain shooting up my arm. My shoulder was in a red bandage. I knew it wasn't red when it was put on me. I should be dead. I am infected. I should be one of them. I looked around the hospital room. It was basic. Really white. White walls, white sheets white curtains. The only thing that wasn't white was my red bandage and the green jagged line on the heart monitor. My door opened and a nurse walked in. She looked at me and her eyes widened. She dropped the tray of tools she was holding in shock.

"Oh my gosh. It worked. He will be so glad. Wait here." She bustled out of the room before I could even ask what she was on about. I groaned and lay back down. My door swung open and a familiar looking man barged in.

"Dad!" I cried

"Raven!" He ran over to me and hugged me "I can't believe it worked!"

"What worked? Where is Sin?"

"We found an antidote!"

"What?" That was impossible.

"When you got out of the Partial lair and then passed out, Sin carried you for seven hours straight, even through the night, until he reached the hospital. He told everybody about the Partials den, the weakness, how they lay eggs about how they feasted on people hanging from the ceiling who are still alive. He said maybe the Partial spit is a cure. That would be the only way the people inside the cacoons didn't get effected and turn into Partials. The only way to make their blood stay fresh and edible. Sin told us where the Partial den was. We raided it. Saved everybody, cured them, cured you. It worked. The antidote worked!" I felt numb. Everybody was ok. I was alive.

"Where is Sin?" I asked, my voice raspy. My dads face fell grave. I felt a pang deep inside of my chest. Oh no.

"Raven-" he trailed off trying to find the words.

"No. No no no."

"I'm sorry. We were too late." Tears pricked at my eyes.

"What happened?" I sobbed, through the cotton ball lodged in my throat.

"He was attacked while carrying you back. We were to late. He is still alive now. Though he doesn't have much time."

"Did you try the antidote?"

"Of course."

"Where is he?"

"In the next room." I struggled to my feet. He put a hand on my shoulder "no. Stay here, you need to rest." I ignored him and walked out of the room. "Raven."

"Dad!" I turned around snapping at him "I'm fine! I can walk ok? It's just my shoulder! Stop being so dramatic! I need to see Sin! He saved my life and now he could die! Its all my fault!" I stumbled out of the room before he could see me cry. He had never seen me cry. That wasn't about to change.

Authors note- Poor Sin and Raven. At least they found an antidote.

Vote if you hate dying.

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