6: Scar

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I panted as I ran through the gates. Almost as if on que the bell rang. I swore under my breath and ran towards the arena. I had a practical with Mr. Lead first class. I ran through the school pushing my way past people heading to their classes. I broke into a jog as I saw my class two metres in front of me. I stopped at the very back of the class still panting for breath. What I liked about practicals was that they were outside. No restricted movements. It was good. I scanned my surroundings. Sin wasn't there. I felt like I had just been snapped in half. He must have been taken. Oh god. I felt my heart pace increase even more. I was getting myself worked up. I tried to calm down but more agitated thoughts crept into my brain, buzzing around franticly breaking me away from reality. How did this happen? Did they break into his house? did he forget to lock his door? A hand touched my shoulder. I screamed spun around and punched my attacker square in the face. Everything slowed down and I saw Sin standing there holding his nose, a pained expression on his face.
"I'm so sorry!" I cried.
"No. No it's fine. I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that."
"No its my fault. Oh my god I'm so unbelievably sorry. Is it bleeding?" My question was answered when I saw red dripping through his hands. "Shit. Mr Lead!" The teacher turned to me "Sin is bleeding. I'm going to take him to see the nurse."
"Ok. Come right back."
"Follow me." Sin nodded still holding his bleeding nose. It was actually pretty disgusting really. Out of everything I had ever seen, nose bleeds just made me really squeamish. It was pretty pitiful actually. I walked towards the nurses office Sin following close behind me.

We walked through the doors to the nurses office. It smelt like gloves and soap. A shiver ran down my spine. I glanced around the office. The nurse was nowhere to be seen.
"She's not here." I said in disbelief. The one time I actually needed her.
"Well I'm not waiting for her." Sin walked right across the room and started pulling some tissues out of the box. He held them to his nose. His hands were coated in red and blood, stains were all down his white shirt. I felt like I was going to be sick just looking at it.
"We probably shouldn't just barge in here."
"So. The nurse should be doing her job. She should be here. So I'll just do it myself, can you please fill the big sink over there." He gestured to the big stainless steel basin across the room "my hands are kind of full." I turned on both taps filling the sink with hot and cold water. I didn't want him burning himself like how I burnt my face. I looked up and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. God. I really should have brushed my hair like dad said. My eyes looked dark and had rings around them. My skin looked ghostly pale and everything about me looked washed out. My hair was long and brown hanging around my heart shaped face. It was neat enough at the front but the back was awful. I tried brushing at it with my hands.
"I think the bleeding has stopped now." I spun around quickly. I had almost forgotten Sin was in the room. He discarded the red tissue into a bin in the corner. He walked over to the sink and stood right next to me. Our arms were brushing slightly and my heart hitched in my throat. I glanced at his arm and realised how muscular he was. Maybe he could handle himself. He squirted soap into his hands and started washing them together in the sink. The water soon turned a cloudy, murky red colour. He looked down at his blood covered shirt and swore. He grabbed it at the hems and lifted it above his head. He threw his shirt into the foamy red water. I couldn't tear my eyes from his body. He had a long jagged scar from his collar bone to just under his belly button. He scrubbed at the blood on his top with his thumbs. My gaze drifted up his body and fell on the side of his face. He turned his head to face me. He was smiling slightly. I couldn't see his eyes as they were hiding under his long sweep fringe.
"What?" He asked amused. I tore my eyes away from his embarrassed.
"Nothing. I was just. . . Yeah."
"Ok then." He turned back to his shirt. He sighed at the piece of wet soapy fabric. He pulled it fully out of the water and looked it. The blood hadn't budged from the fabric and was still as red as ever. The only thing different about it was now it had smudged.
"Sorry about your shirt."
"You will have to pay." Confusion swept over me. What was he talking about? He grabbed a large handful of water threw it at me playfully. My mouth dropped and I looked down at my now soaked top. I suddenly regretted my decision of wearing a black bra under a white shirt. He cracked up laughing at me. I looked up at him my mouth still hanging open like a fish. I grabbed a handful of water and splashed it over his torso. I backed away from him, laughing uncontrollably. He ran at me. I screamed out and tried to run away but wasn't quick enough. He grabbed me around the waist and picked me up over his shoulder. He walked me back over to the sink.
"No. No, no, no!" I screamed. He held me above the sink so my face was inches from the water.
"Say your sorry!" He said laughing.
"Ahh! Put me down!"
"Ok." He lowered me closer to the water
"Not in the sink!" I cried. I wriggled in his arms, desperately trying to break free.
"Well say sorry."
"Hey!" I argued defensively, hitting him lightly on the back "You wet me first!"
"That was payback for ruining my shirt."
"Ok ok ok. Sorry." He gently put me down on the ground. I smiled at him. He suddenly walked right up close to me, so his wet chest was pressed against mine.
"Ditch school with me." He taunted.
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"My dad owns the all the PFE's in the entire world. I can't just leave. He will find out practically straight away."
"Who says he has to find out? It's not going to be the entire day, he won't ever know." I gave him a unsure look. "Come on Raven. I know a perfect place we can go. I've got my knife in case of Partial attacks."
"Sin! You were supposed to had that in as soon as you got to class."
"As soon as I got to class you punched me in the nose and dragged me here. I didn't really have a chance." That's when I realised I still had mine on me too.
"Ok. Fair enough."
"Well?" He asked.
"We going to leave?" I twisted a finger through my hair.
"You're sure dad won't find out?"
"Pst. No way."
"Ok then."
"Really?" He asked almost as if he didn't believe if ever go along with him.
"Well yeah, grab your shirt. Lets go to this place your talking about."
So we just walked away leaving the nurses office completely flooded and all bloody.


Authors note- What do you think of Sin? Good friend or bad influence? How did he get his mysterious scar? Will they get caught bunking? where is Sin going to take her.
Answers will eventually be revealed but ill just make you wait because I am evil mwahah.
Vote if you hate accidentally punching cute guys in the face.

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