Chapter six

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A.N. the song is especially for Angie hahahaha

    One thing both Angie and I had forgotten was that she needed a key to get back into the room. Therefore she was not quiet when she tried to enter the room. She hammered against the wood yelling, “Let me in let me in.” The thuds and her loud voice smacked into my head repeatedly making me groan in horror and nausea. 

    I felt like hell, I’d drunk too much last night and at that point if I ever saw another drop of alcohol again it would be a million years too soon! So groggily I loped over to the door, flicking my long hair out of my face and opened up. Angie spilled towards me, hair unkempt and makeup smudged across her face. “You look a state,” I cleared my throat, shuttingthe door and made to flop back on the bed.

    “That’s because I was too busy having a lot of sex with a certain rock star all night.” She grinned as she lay beside me with a smirk that said she wasn’t going to give me the mercy of sleep. “He’s got stamina, I’ll give him that, probably because he’s had so much sex with lots of different women.”

    “Nice to know,” I mumbled, eyes heavy and closing fast. If I could just get back to sleep then I might be able to live another day, right then I felt like I was about to pop my clogs!

    “Oi,” she nudged me awake, “You have to listen. I need to tell you all about it.”

    “I’m tired and have a hangover,” I moaned as I tried to bury under the duvet but giggling Angie pulled it back off my face. 

    “So do I, in fact, I’m even more tired than you because of last night,” She began smoking a cigarette. “So we got to his room and he’s got this stupid frown planted on his face…I don’t know what you said to him but it really distracted him.”

    “I didn’t say anything.”

    She coughed, “Well I dunno. But yeah, I mean, the fact that I shagged Jack Flash is the most amazing statement I canever truthfully make but then he wasn’t particularly good.”

    I refused to engage in the conversation, my head hurt. “Cool.”

    “No, it wasn’t. He was really distracted; he also refused to look at me throughout the three times that we shagged.” Droopy eyelids. “I questioned him about it and he said he didn’t feel comfortable doing that. I mean, what the fuck? So that happened and plus he didn’t really work for it that much if you get what I mean.”


    “So yeah,” she continued apparently not needing a decent reply, “I think it’s because rock stars can just have whoever and we're all just grateful that they’re there and shagging us, they’re not expected to be good. Just them makes it good but I was not overly impressed.” She concluded. If I had been in a better mood and my mind was connected to the rest of my body I would have made some funny remark about how she 'can't get no satisfaction' but I didn't.

    “Can I go to sleep now?”

    She huffed, “I suppose.” It took literally a matter of seconds for me to drop back off to sleep and man it felt good.


    We woke up and ordered coffee with an English breakfast which was delivered to the room and then we ate it, allowing the food to settle wonderfully in our growling stomachs. There was just something about an English breakfast or as my dad called them a 'fry up' that took the blow right out of a hangover.

    “So was your deal with him just a one night affair?” I asked in an aloof manner dipping my bacon into the orange egg yolk.

    She shrugged and spoke with both her cheeks puffed out with food, “He insisted escorting me to our room so I wouldn’t know. He knows where we are-I am.” She corrected. She didn’t intend it nastily but it still stung that she didn’t think of me as capable of getting sexual with someone. Getting sexual with someone? My brows furrowed and I shook my head at myself. Since when did I refer to shagging as 'getting sexual with someone'?

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