"Waiit! ED-" I yelled but he got into the car and they drove off.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as the car got farther and farther..
I stared down at the bee and envelope.
I held the bee, but placed the envelope in my pocket. I'll open it later..

I walked for ten minutes until I got to Kanaya's hive.
I opened the door and walked inside, seeing everyone sitting in the living room.

"Sollux?" Kanaya started, "Where Have You Been? We've Been Waiting For You And Eridan-"
"He'2 gone.."

Everyone stood.
"What do you mean he's gone?" Dave questioned.

"Wait.. Sollux, Where Did You Get That Bee..?" Kanaya pointed at the plush in my arm.

"ED gave iit two me before he left.." I looked at the bee, smiling sadly. "Before he left.. He.. He gave me back my bee... II-II remember huggiing my bee whenever II wa2 2iick or 2ad.. Mr. Buzz.. And he ju2t left.. He left after giiviing me my bee and an envelope-"

"ENVELOPE?" Karkat walked up to me. "WHAT WAS IN IT?"

I handed him the bee to hold as I pulled out the envelope.
I opened it and pulled out a paper.

At the top, it said: Read aloud at Kanaya's Hivve.

I cleared my throat and read from his letter.

I'm sorry for leaving so soon. I just couldn't face all of you and then leave. It's better for all of us if I just leave.
Don't bother searching for me, because I don't want to go back.
It's not you guys, it's just the memories of everything..
I can't look at anything or anyone there anymore without being reminded of the wrong I've done and the good memories we can never get back.
I just want to say thank you for calling me your friend; even though we've all had some bad blood with each other.

Kar, don't stop being you.
Ara, keep being creepy. You're pretty cool.
Tav, you're awesome. Don't let anyone put you down.
Nep, don't stop shippin.
Kan, I have to say that I am terribly jealous of your fashion sense. Keep up the good work.
Tez, I hope you follow your dream of bringing justice to all.
Vris, stop being a bitch and please be kind to Tavros. He doesn't deserve your bullshit. Other than that, I guess you're cool..
Eq, for the love of Gog, stop sweating around Gam and Fef. It's pretty gross, but your a cool guy. I hope you like those My Little Pony PJ's I got you for Christmas last year.
Gam.. Uh.. Keep slamming Faygos? Yeah..
Fef.. Oh Fef, I'm sorry about the past and stuff.. I hope you can forgive me for bein so stupid.. But other than that, thank you. You're a great frond. (ha, fish puns)

John and Dave, I hope things work out for you two.. You guys really helped me when I was down.. Thank you.

Jade, you're really awesome and cool. Keep bein' that.

Rose, I hope you recover soon.
Please get better.. Kanaya needs you.
You're a great person.

You're all great people, and I'm glad to have spent most of my life knowing you all. I hope you all can forgive me for leaving without giving a proper goodbye..
But.. This is how it has to be..
So.. Goodbye.
-Eridan Ampora

I looked up and saw everyone in tears.
I looked back down at the paper and saw a small arrow at the bottom of the page.

—> Backside for Sollux Only

I flipped the paper over and read the backside, which was covered in Eridan's handwriting.

I'm sorry..
It's all my fault that you can't remember.
I never meant for any of this to happen.

I know when you got out of the hospital, you hated me because I tried flirting with you and stuff. I'm so terribly sorry for being such a nuisance to you at that time.
I'm just a hopeless romantic, and I thought that if I tried hard enough, I could get you to return the feelings you had for me before.
I see now that it won't happen..

I never wanted to be your moirail Sollux. I just wanted to be close to you. In any way I possibly could! Anything to get you to like me again!
Not black, ashen or pale..

Sollux Captor, I am in love with you and I forever will be..

I had to leave.. I couldn't take it anymore. We both know that you're not going to get your memory back anytime soon..
I personally lost all hope..

I just want you to be happy, and that certainly will not happen if I'm there.. Please take care of yourself Sollux. For me. I will miss you, and I will miss having you as my moirail, but this won't work.. It could never work if I was just going to be flushed for you..

I forgive you for what happened during New Years..
I forgive you, but it's hard to let go of..
I also apologize for throwing that pillow at you and telling you to leave..

Gosh, I was such a fuckin' wreck..
Anyways.. I hope you find your happiness soon..
I love you Sollux..


I felt arms wrap around me.
I looked and saw both Nepeta and Karkat hugging me.

Kanaya handed me a tissue. "Dear, You're Crying.." She said quietly.

I quickly took the tissue and wiped my eyes from their tears. I hugged them back.

He's gone...
Eridan's gone for good..

By My 2iide (Erisol)Where stories live. Discover now