Chapter Eleven

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"Uh..." Gus blanked out completely. What was he going to say? Uh, well, Jules, Shawn isn't a psychic. His dad taught him to be hyper observant and now he fakes being psychic to get laughs while also solving crimes and annoying his father. Yeah, that will go over well. He didn't say anything.

"Gus? Are you okay?" Jules looked at her friend with concern.

"Yeah... I just... got overwhelmed with the reality of this situation. I mean, my best friend has superpowers and he used them on a psychotic serial killer who has been targeting him and now he is in the hospital and the doctors just have to wait and see because they are useless!" He didn't mean to rant, but he felt better after releasing his bottled up emotions. Juliet walked over and hugged him tightly.

"Gus. It's okay. Shawn is going to be fine. He woke up earlier, and his dad is there to take care of him. I'm worried too, but I believe in him." Gus gulped and returned the hug. Suddenly, Juliet froze. She let go of Gus and ran over to Lassiter.

"Carlton. We forgot about Buzz."

"Shit! Do you think that Spencer might get any info on the location? We have nothing to go off of."

"Uh, I'll ask, but how did we forget about him? I mean, I feel awful!"

"O'Hara, he'll be fine. Sylar is keeping him alive for info most likely." Though that didn't comfort Juliet much, it kept her positive that they were fighting for something.


Shawn had woken up for a few minutes again, enough to ask his dad for a pineapple smoothie and be rejected before passing out again, and this time he saw the vision of Sylar in the FBI interrogation room again. Huh, that's weird. This is a past event. Why am I seeing it? His vision answered his question by showing him the file in the "agent's" hand. There were two addresses written down. Both were warehouses, one for a nightclub called Verdant, the other one for a nightclub known as The Devil. Maybe Sylar is camping out there? He willed himself to wake up.


He awoke. No one was in his room. He saw his phone on the table beside the cot and grabbed it to call Jules. "Hey sweetie."

"Hey Shawn! You're up?"

"Obviously. Listen, I many have some info on Sylar. There are two abandoned warehouses for old clubs here, Verdant and The Devil."

"Okay, I'll have Lassiter on them right away. Do you think that might be where Buzz is being held as well?"

"Buzz? Oh... right. I hope so," Shawn said guiltily. "Well, the Dr. Erskin is here to examine me, so goodbye! Love you!"

"Big fat kisses!"

"Big fat kisses. Bye!" Shawn hung up and looked over at the doctor. "Well?"


Lassiter typed madly away at the computer, trying to find any info on the warehouses or nearby cameras that may have picked up any action. One camera had three people in the corner of one frame, but it could have been any three probably shady people in front of the Verdant warehouse. But it was worth a look. "O'Hara!" Juliet rushed over. "I followed up on Spencer's lead, and I may have gotten something. Let's go to the Verdant warehouse first and see if we can get anything." Juliet nodded and went to the safe to grab a bulletproof vest. She handed one to Lassiter, and they were off to Verdant.

When they arrived, the first thing they noticed was a trail of spattered blood, and it was fresh.


"Shawn, you seem to be okay," the doctor started, "but we have no idea what happened. What do you remember?"

"Well, uhm, I was walking to the car, and I sensed a gun. I told Juliet to duck, and she did, and I used my mind to lift the shooter up. It was Sylar, a serial killer who has been after me these past three days. It hurt, but I needed to protect Jules. That was the last thought through my mind before my memory gets fuzzy."

"Wait, Shawn, did you just say you used your mind to lift a guy in the air?"

"Yeah," Shawn chuckled, "that ability surfaced after the lightning."

"Well, I am going to discharge you, as you seem fine, but if anything happens again and you feel pain, come to me immediately and we can monitor you to see what caused you to black out. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks doc!"

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