Chapter 7: Your time, Pumpkin.

Start from the beginning

"Of course, Sir. How can I help?" I answered without hesitation. The corners of his lips rose slightly at my response.

"Dr. Green is still asleep in Mr. Morgan's room. While I would prefer to let him rest a bit longer, I'm afraid we can't start without him. Would you mind getting him?" I blanched. Perhaps I shouldn't have agreed before I knew what he wanted me to do.

"Y-you mean, wake him?" I heard the other guys chuckle softly.

"Yes, Miss Sorenson," Mr. Blackbourne said and I could've sworn I saw the ghost of a smirk on his face. "It would be best if he wakes before you bring him here."

"Dr. Green— I mean, won't he mind me waking him?" I asked, panicking.

North snorted and crossed his arms again. I turned to look at the others and was greeted with shaking heads and laughing eyes. How could they be so calm about this?

Wake him up? Had Mr. Blackbourne forgotten that I was a girl? Girls shouldn't be in the same room as sleeping men. What would that make me? Familiar insults in a shrill voice rushed back into my mind. I bit my lip and tried again. "Wouldn't he be more comfortable waking up to a more familiar face?"

"I am absolutely certain that Dr. Green will have no objections to being awakened by you, Miss Sorenson. In fact, I know that he would prefer it. Seeing you after waking up would always be preferable to seeing one of his rowdy brothers."

I blushed and looked down, a hand at my throat. I didn't want to refuse Mr. Blackbourne, especially since he seemed so sure that it would be fine, but I felt decidedly uncomfortable. "Al-alright, then, if you're sure?"

"I am," Mr. Blackbourne said, sounding very confident. "Miss Sorenson?"

"Yes?" I looked up at him. His steel eyes seemed softer, but no less piercing.

"You will be fine."

I looked around at the others, hoping for some support, but saw only knowing smiles and encouraging nods. With a resigned sigh, I told Mr. Blackbourne that it would not be a problem and left the room. I nearly collapsed against the wall in the hallway, muttering to myself.

"Wake him? Wake him! He hardly knows me. This is insane."

The walk to Victor's bedroom felt like a march to my execution. With a little bit of imagination, I could hear the excitement of the crowd waiting by the guillotine, the executioner sharpening his blade, the other prisoners sending me off with the sound of spoons hitting the bars of their cells...

Fine. Perhaps I was being a bit dramatic.

I knocked on the door to Victor's bedroom, hoping to find the doctor already awake. There was no answer. What to do?

I could go in and wake him, as Mr. Blackbourne asked. My mother surely wouldn't be able to find out, would she? If she knew about anything going on here, I'm sure she would have let me know already. I could probably do this without getting caught.

Or I could not wake him and tell Mr. Blackbourne to send someone else instead.

I shook my head quickly. The mere thought of disappointing the stern, perfect man was so abhorrent, I immediately decided to risk my mother's wrath.

She won't find out, I reminded myself.

As I pushed the door open, I was greeted by the refreshing scent of citrus and ginger. The room was still dark but I could make out Dr. Sean's shape in the bed with the light coming from the room behind me.

I was glad to see that he had moved into a more comfortable position; I'd been worried that he'd wake with sore muscles. He'd moved onto his side, cradling his head in his bent elbow. The look on his face was much more relaxed now and he was breathing calmly. My heart hurt at the thought of waking him, no longer because of my embarrassment, but because he looked so peaceful in his sleep.

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